
Travel guide online Reshetylivka

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General information about Reshetylivka

The city of Reshetylivka on the Hovtva River is a well-known center of folk crafts. It is located near the Kyiv-Poltava highway, 30 kilometers from the regional center.

According to legend, the settlement was founded in the 16th century by the Cossack Reshetylo. The first documentary mention in 1638 is connected with the Cossack-peasant uprising of Yakiv Ostryanyn.

In 1709, the village was a stronghold of the Swedish army, and after the victory of the Russian army in the Battle of Poltava, Tsar Peter I signed here the famous "Reshetylivka Articles" on the management of Left Bank Ukraine.

At the end of the 19th century, Reshetylivka became the center of weaving. An exemplary and demonstration weaving workshop was established here, then an artil, which later be ...

The city of Reshetylivka on the Hovtva River is a well-known center of folk crafts. It is located near the Kyiv-Poltava highway, 30 kilometers from the regional center.

According to legend, the settlement was founded in the 16th century by the Cossack Reshetylo. The first documentary mention in 1638 is connected with the Cossack-peasant uprising of Yakiv Ostryanyn.

In 1709, the village was a stronghold of the Swedish army, and after the victory of the Russian army in the Battle of Poltava, Tsar Peter I signed here the famous "Reshetylivka Articles" on the management of Left Bank Ukraine.

At the end of the 19th century, Reshetylivka became the center of weaving. An exemplary and demonstration weaving workshop was established here, then an artil, which later became the basis of the factory named after Klara Tsetkin. Now it is the Reshetylivka workshop of arts and crafts, which produces famous high-art tapestries and hand-made embroideries. The Lyceum of Arts prepares masters of weaving and embroidering.

Місто Решетилівка на річці Говтва - відомий центр народних промислів. Розташоване біля траси Київ-Полтава, в 30 кілометрах від обласного центру.

За легендою, поселення заснував в XVI сторіччі козак Решетило. Перша документальна згадка в 1638 році пов'язана з козацько-селянським повстанням Якова Острянина.

В 1709 році село було опорним пунктом шведської армії, а після перемоги російської армії в Полтавській битві цар Петро I підписав тут відомі "Решетилівські статті" про управління Лівобережною Україною.

В кінці XIX сторіччя Решетилівка стає центром ткацтва. Тут засновується зразково-показова ткацька майстерня, потім артіль, що стала згодом основою фабрики імені Клари Цеткін. Зараз це Решетилівська майстерня художніх промислів, що виготовляє знамениті висо ...

Місто Решетилівка на річці Говтва - відомий центр народних промислів. Розташоване біля траси Київ-Полтава, в 30 кілометрах від обласного центру.

За легендою, поселення заснував в XVI сторіччі козак Решетило. Перша документальна згадка в 1638 році пов'язана з козацько-селянським повстанням Якова Острянина.

В 1709 році село було опорним пунктом шведської армії, а після перемоги російської армії в Полтавській битві цар Петро I підписав тут відомі "Решетилівські статті" про управління Лівобережною Україною.

В кінці XIX сторіччя Решетилівка стає центром ткацтва. Тут засновується зразково-показова ткацька майстерня, потім артіль, що стала згодом основою фабрики імені Клари Цеткін. Зараз це Решетилівська майстерня художніх промислів, що виготовляє знамениті високохудожні гобелени та вишиванки ручної роботи. Майстрів ткацтва та вишиванки готує Художній ліцей.

Сплануй своє перебування у Reshetylivka

What to see and where to go in Reshetylivka

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Tourist attractions and museums of Reshetylivka

Reshetylivka Local Lore Museum
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Reshetylivka Local Lore Museum

Museum / gallery

The Reshetylivka City Council Local Lore Museum is located in the premises of the Culture and Leisure Center of the urban-type settlement of Reshetylivka. It was opened in 1965 at the initiative of the local community.

The exposition is spread over three rooms and has over 3,500 exhibits. The historical sections of the museum tell about the founding and development of Reshetylivka in ancient times, about the period of social upheavals of the early 20th century, about Soviet rule and the events of World War II, etc.

The pride of the museum is the department of weaving and carpet weaving, where you can get acquainted with the origins and development of folk art of Reshetylivka region in the conditions of subsistence farming, the activities of the Poltava provincial zemstvo regarding the revival of handicrafts at the beginning of the 20th century, the work of local art and industrial artels, a factory of art crafts and a school of craftsmen.

The best examples of Reshetylivka carpets, embroidery, embroidered towels made by local craftsmen are presented. Among the unique exhibits: carpets "Centauri and birds", "Peacocks" (Leonid Tovstukha), carpets "Tree of Life", "Autumn", "Red Viburnum", towels "Berehynia", "Tree of Life" (Nadia Babenko), shirts made by Olena Vasylenko and much more.

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Workshop of artistic crafts, Reshetylivka
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Workshop of artistic crafts "Solomiya"

Museum / gallery

The Reshetylivka workshop of artistic crafts was founded in 1905 by the Poltava provincial zemstvo as an exemplary and demonstration weaving workshop.

Unique hand-made tapestry carpets, famous Poltava embroidered towels, national clothes with delicate embroidery, etc. were made here.

In Soviet times, the workshop was transformed into an artillery, then into a factory named after Klara Zetkin.

Today it is one of the oldest enterprises of folk arts and crafts in Ukraine. Its products adorn the interiors of many government buildings, embassies of Ukraine, high-class hotels, etc.

Visitors can observe the work of craftsmen, make an individual order or purchase finished products.

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