Petrykivka is a picturesque village near the Dnipro, famous for its masters of decorative painting, artistic weaving, and embroidery.
The name is probably related to the name of the last chieftain of the Zaporozhzhia Sich, Petro Kalnyshevskyi, whose efforts created many Cossack winter camps in these places.
The first mention of Petrykivka is contained in Kalnyshevsky's petition to the higher clergy from 1772 with a request to move from the village of Kurylivka and consecrate the Church of the Nativity in a new place, which has survived to this day.
Folk painting began to flourish here from the moment of its foundation, when housewives began to paint their houses with floral patterns. In Soviet ...
Petrykivka is a picturesque village near the Dnipro, famous for its masters of decorative painting, artistic weaving, and embroidery.
The name is probably related to the name of the last chieftain of the Zaporozhzhia Sich, Petro Kalnyshevskyi, whose efforts created many Cossack winter camps in these places.
The first mention of Petrykivka is contained in Kalnyshevsky's petition to the higher clergy from 1772 with a request to move from the village of Kurylivka and consecrate the Church of the Nativity in a new place, which has survived to this day.
Folk painting began to flourish here from the moment of its foundation, when housewives began to paint their houses with floral patterns. In Soviet times, an artel of artistic crafts was organized, then the factory "Druzhba" and, finally, the company "Petrykivka painting". Her painted products (spoons, plates, pots, etc.) can be found in souvenir shops throughout Ukraine.
The center of folk art "Petrykivka" operates in the village, and a museum of ethnography, everyday life and applied folk art has been created on its base.
Along the route there are several shops and stalls selling Petrykivka souvenirs.
A few kilometers to the west of Petrykivka, there is an ethnographic complex "Cossack Farm Halushkivka".
Петриківка - мальовниче селище під Дніпром, що славиться майстрами декоративного розпису, художнього ткацтва, вишивки.
Назва, ймовірно, пов'язано з ім'ям останнього отамана Запорізької січі Петра Калнишевського, чиїми зусиллями в цих місцях було створено безліч козацьких зимівників.
Перша згадка про Петриківку міститься в клопотанні Калнишевського до вищого духовенства від 1772 року з проханням про перенесення з села Курилівка і освяченні на новому місці церкви Різдва, яка збереглася до наших днів.
Народний живопис почав процвітати тут від моменту заснування, коли господині стали розписувати свої будинки квітковими візерунками. У радянські часи була організована артіль художніх промислів, ...
Петриківка - мальовниче селище під Дніпром, що славиться майстрами декоративного розпису, художнього ткацтва, вишивки.
Назва, ймовірно, пов'язано з ім'ям останнього отамана Запорізької січі Петра Калнишевського, чиїми зусиллями в цих місцях було створено безліч козацьких зимівників.
Перша згадка про Петриківку міститься в клопотанні Калнишевського до вищого духовенства від 1772 року з проханням про перенесення з села Курилівка і освяченні на новому місці церкви Різдва, яка збереглася до наших днів.
Народний живопис почав процвітати тут від моменту заснування, коли господині стали розписувати свої будинки квітковими візерунками. У радянські часи була організована артіль художніх промислів, потім фабрика "Дружба" і, нарешті, фірма "Петриківський розпис". Її розписну продукцію (ложки, тарілки, горщики тощо) можна зустріти в сувенірних лавках по всій Україні.
В селищі діє Центр народного мистецтва "Петриківка", на його базі створено музей етнографії, побуту та народно-прикладного мистецтва.
Вздовж траси є кілька магазинів та яток, які торгують петриківськими сувенірами.
В декількох кілометрах на захід від Петриківки діє етнографічний комплекс "Козацький хутір Галушківка".
Fedir Panko Museum
Museum / gallery
The Museum of Honored Artist of Ukraine, Ukrainian master of folk decorative painting and folk decorative graphics, Honored Master of Folk Art of the USSR, founder of the Petrykivka painting factory Fedir Panko was opened in 2013 in his native village Petrykivka in Dnipropetrovsk region.
The museum is located in the local house of culture. The main part of the exhibition consists of works from the personal collection of the Panko family.
The exposition demonstrates different stages of formation of Petrykivka painting traditions.
Historical and ethnographic complex "Cossack Hundred"
Museum / gallery , Entertainment / leisure , Ethnographic complex
The historical and ethnographic complex "Cossack Hundred" in Petrykivka represents the historical, ethnographic and cultural heritage of the Petrykivka region of the XVIII-XIX centuries as one of the centers of folk art and crafts.
Also here you can see and feel how the inhabitants of different regions of Ukraine lived and what they did in ancient times. The Museum of Ethnography and Life "Grazhda" operates - a copy of Hutsul hut-grazhda with residential and commercial buildings of the 18th century, where ceramics, household items and tools of the inhabitants of the Dnipro region are exhibited.
A model of the Cossack fortress "Sich" is presented, a training range for shooting with ancient Cossack weapons (crossbow, bow, rifle), a mini-zoo (ostriches, peacocks, wild ducks, wild boars, goats, sheep, donkeys, horses), a children's playground, arena for horse shows and beach volleyball court.
Master classes are held, in particular on Petrykivka painting.
Petrykivka Ethnography, Life and Folk Applied Arts Museum
Museum / gallery
The Petrykivka museum of ethnography, everyday life and folk art was created in 2010 on the basis of an exhibition of Petrykivka paintings at the Druzhba factory.
There are 2,500 objects in the museum's collections that tell about the history of Petrykivka, the ethnography of this region, the development of applied folk art, and the technique of Petrykivka painting.
Of particular value are the products of folk masters of Petrykiv decorative painting Fedir Panko, Andriy Pikush, Nataliya Rybak and others.
The museum holds master classes on various techniques of folk crafts.
Petrykivka Folk Art Center
Museum / gallery
The Petrykivka painting exhibition is open at the Petrykivka Folk Art Center.
The traditional Petrykivka decorative painting became famous as early as the 19th century, it was managed to be preserved and even put on the assembly line in Soviet times.
The "Petrykivka" folk art center was established in the early 1990s as the first enterprise owned by the folk craftsmen themselves, and now unites about 40 masters of Petrykivka painting.
The exhibition hall is open all the time, workshops are open for visits, tours and master classes for children are held. The exposition presents paintings, painted household items, decorations. Here you can buy or order all kinds of souvenirs.
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