Mala Petrykivka

Travel guide online Mala Petrykivka

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General information about Mala Petrykivka

Village Mala Petrykivka is located on the territory of Dnipropetrovsk region and is administratively part of Dnipro district of this region. According to the Codifier of Administrative Territorial Units and Territories of Territorial Communities of Ukraine, the settlement Mala Petrykivka has the code UA12020190100030795.

The district center of Dnipro of the district is a city Dnipro. The distance from the district center to the settlement Mala Petrykivka is 40 kilometers in a straight line (the length of the road route may be longer).

A detailed description of Mala Petrykivka, including geographical location, date of foundation, history of the settlement of Mala Petrykivka with main historical events and persons, main sights and interesting places of Mala Petrykivka, not yet ...

Village Mala Petrykivka is located on the territory of Dnipropetrovsk region and is administratively part of Dnipro district of this region. According to the Codifier of Administrative Territorial Units and Territories of Territorial Communities of Ukraine, the settlement Mala Petrykivka has the code UA12020190100030795.

The district center of Dnipro of the district is a city Dnipro. The distance from the district center to the settlement Mala Petrykivka is 40 kilometers in a straight line (the length of the road route may be longer).

A detailed description of Mala Petrykivka, including geographical location, date of foundation, history of the settlement of Mala Petrykivka with main historical events and persons, main sights and interesting places of Mala Petrykivka, not yet available.

Cело Мала Петриківка розташоване на території Дніпропетровської області та адміністративно входить до складу Дніпровського району цієї області. Згідно з Кодифікатором адміністративно-територіальних одиниць та територій територіальних громад України, населений пункт Мала Петриківка має код UA12020190100030795.

Районним центром Дніпровського району є місто Дніпро. Відстань від райцентру до населеного пункта Мала Петриківка становить 40 кілометрів по прямій (довжина маршруту автомобільними дорогами може бути більшою).

Детальний опис Малої Петриківки, що включає географічне розташування, дату заснування, історію населеного пункта Мала Петриківка з основними історичними подіями та персонами, основні пам'ятки та цікаві місця Малої Петриківки, поки що відсутній.

Сплануй своє перебування у Mala Petrykivka

What to see and where to go in Mala Petrykivka

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Tourist attractions and museums of Mala Petrykivka

Museum-Estate"Mykolyn Khutir", Mala Petrykivka
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Museum-Manor "Mykolyn Khutir"

Museum / gallery , Ethnographic complex

The ethnographic museum-manor "Mykolyn Khutir" in the village of Mala Petrykivka in Dnipropetrovsk region was founded in 2019 by famous masters of Petrykivka painting Mykola and Valentyna Deka.

They receive guests in their own village house over a hundred years old, which is decorated with traditional paintings in the Petrykivka style and turned into a museum of traditional peasant life. A prominent place in the interior is occupied by a traditional Ukrainian stove. You can also see an antique loom, a painted chest, embroidered clothes and towels.

Visitors are offered master classes in Petrykivka painting and motanka dolls, as well as lunches with homemade dishes.

The main attraction of the Khutir is "Traveling Hut" – a painted house on wheels, which can travel around the village.

Map pin icon Stepova Street, 13


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Nativity of the Virgin Cathedral, Mala Petrykivka
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Nativity of Holy Virgin Cathedral

Temple , Architecture

The Cathedral of the Nativity of the Holy Virgin in Mala Petrykivka was founded in 1772 on the initiative of the chieftain of Zaporizhzhia Sich, Petro Kalnyshevskyi, who is considered the founder of the village.

According to church records, the church was moved to the site of a new settlement from the village of Kurylivka. In 1812, the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin was rebuilt in stone. A three-part temple with a rectangular central part, a semicircular apse and a projecting vestibule. On the western facade - a four-column portico, completed by a triangular pediment.

The Cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Mala Petrykivka is an architectural monument of national importance.

Currently, the right of ownership of the cathedral is being registered by the Petrykivka settlement community, which will be able to decide to whom and under what conditions it will be transferred for use by the relevant religious community.

In dire need of restoration.

Map pin icon Kosenka Street, 30A


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