The city of Zhytomyr is a small regional center on the high banks of the Teteriv River and its tributary Kamyanka.
According to legend, it was founded in 884 by the soldier Zhytomyr, an associate of the Kiev princes Askold and Dir, who fled from Kyiv to the Drevlyan forests after their murder by Prince Oleh. Remains of an ancient settlement were found on the shore of Kamyanka.
In the 10th century, Zhytomyr became part of the Kyivan state, from the 14th century it was part of the Lithuanian principality. At the same time, a small castle with five towers was built, which was eventually destroyed (earthen ditches remained). In 1569, the city was captured by the Poles, in 1648 it was devastated by the Cossacks of Hetman Bohdan Khmelnytskyi, from 1668 it was the capital of the Ky ...
The city of Zhytomyr is a small regional center on the high banks of the Teteriv River and its tributary Kamyanka.
According to legend, it was founded in 884 by the soldier Zhytomyr, an associate of the Kiev princes Askold and Dir, who fled from Kyiv to the Drevlyan forests after their murder by Prince Oleh. Remains of an ancient settlement were found on the shore of Kamyanka.
In the 10th century, Zhytomyr became part of the Kyivan state, from the 14th century it was part of the Lithuanian principality. At the same time, a small castle with five towers was built, which was eventually destroyed (earthen ditches remained). In 1569, the city was captured by the Poles, in 1648 it was devastated by the Cossacks of Hetman Bohdan Khmelnytskyi, from 1668 it was the capital of the Kyiv Voivodeship of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth for a century and a half, then it became the administrative center of the Volyn Province, founded in 1797 as part of the Russian Empire.
During the struggle for independence at the beginning of the 20th century, the UNR government worked here for some time. After severe destruction during the Second World War, few architectural monuments remained.
The city is associated with the names of the writer Sholom Aleichem and the designer Serhiy Korolov.
Місто Житомир - невеликий обласний центр на високих берегах річки Тетерів та її притоці Кам'янки.
За легендою, заснований в 884 році дружинником Житомиром, сподвижником київських князів Аскольда і Діра, який після їх вбивства князем Олегом втік з Києва у древлянські ліси. На березі Кам'янки знайдено залишки стародавнього городища.
У X столітті Житомир увійшов до складу Київської держави, з XIV століття був частиною Литовського князівства. Тоді ж було зведено невеликий замок з п'ятьма вежами, з часом зруйнований (збереглися земляні рови). У 1569 році місто було захоплене поляками, в 1648 році розорене козаками гетьмана Богдана Хмельницького, з 1668 року півтора століття був столицею Київського воєводства Речі Посполитої, потім став адміністративним центром заснова ...
Місто Житомир - невеликий обласний центр на високих берегах річки Тетерів та її притоці Кам'янки.
За легендою, заснований в 884 році дружинником Житомиром, сподвижником київських князів Аскольда і Діра, який після їх вбивства князем Олегом втік з Києва у древлянські ліси. На березі Кам'янки знайдено залишки стародавнього городища.
У X столітті Житомир увійшов до складу Київської держави, з XIV століття був частиною Литовського князівства. Тоді ж було зведено невеликий замок з п'ятьма вежами, з часом зруйнований (збереглися земляні рови). У 1569 році місто було захоплене поляками, в 1648 році розорене козаками гетьмана Богдана Хмельницького, з 1668 року півтора століття був столицею Київського воєводства Речі Посполитої, потім став адміністративним центром заснованої в 1797 році Волинської губернії в складі російської імперії.
Під час боротьби за незалежність на початку XX століття тут деякий час працював уряд УНР. Після сильних руйнувань в період Другої світової війни архітектурних пам'яток залишилося небагато.
Місто пов'язане з іменами письменника Шолом-Алейхема, конструктора Сергія Корольова.
"Craftsman's Yard" Museum
Museum / gallery
The Museum of Ancient Instruments "Craftsman's Yard" in Zhytomyr is located at the Kroshnya railway station.
Every item in the exhibition is an original. The entire collection includes several thousand exhibits, including 115 examples of axes.
Presented are kerosene all-weather lamps for railway workers and policemen with a tricolor semaphore, an ancient manual device for roasting coffee beans while stirring them, a copy of an ancient forge, in which air is supplied by real Austrian bellows from the end of the 19th century.
Also in the collection are tools intended for production, the technology of which is considered lost.
Memorial house-museum of academician Serhiy Korolov
Museum / gallery , Palace / manor
The memorial house-museum of Academician Serhiy Korolov in Zhytomyr is a part of the Museum of Cosmonautics named after Korolov, located opposite the main building of the exhibition "Space".
The first museum in the apartment, where the future rocket scientist, a leading designer of Soviet space rockets, was born in 1907, opened in 1970. 7 years later, the memorial part was supplemented by a new exposition about the life and career of the general designer.
The museum recreates the atmosphere of the apartment in which the Korolov family lived at the beginning of the XX century. The exposition includes many materials, documents, personal belongings, which were donated to the museum by relatives and colleagues of Korolov.
Photographs, utensils, interior items belonging to the Queen's family, notes and drawings made by the genius designer, his costume and even a strand of hair from the very first haircut - all this can be seen during a tour of the museum.
National Cosmonautics Museum named after Serhiy Korolov
Museum / gallery
The National Museum of Cosmonautics named after Serhiy Korolov was opened in 1970 in Zhytomyr, where in 1907 the future founder of the practical development of outer space was born.
The memorial part of the museum is located in a small house in which the Korolov family lived at the beginning of the 20th century. The interiors were restored according to his mother's memories.
The exposition of the space pavilion, opened in 1991, presents the originals and models of spacecraft, spacesuits and other equipment of astronauts. Among them are a technological sample of the Soyuz spacecraft, a model of the Lunokhod-2, and the original of the Soyuz-27 spacecraft, which has been in space. One of the most valuable exhibits is a capsule with the soil of the Moon, donated by NASA.
The museum actively uses modern museum technologies and innovative methods of working with the audience. In particular, during the children's excursions, a robot-assistant guide Mekkanoid is used, who recognizes voice commands, moves, jokes and even dances. In the museum you can book an interactive tour "Star Aeneas", which uses equipment such as simulators to train professional pilots. With the help of virtual reality glasses, visitors can visit the Moon or Venus.
Zhytomyr Museum of Cosmonautics provides a high level of accessibility. There is a ramp at the entrance, there are no thresholds and stairs in the exposition rooms, adapted excursions and an inclusive toilet are available.
Saint Sophia Cathedral
Temple , Architecture
The Roman Catholic Cathedral of Saint Sophia with a bell tower 26 meters high is considered one of the main architectural monuments of Zhytomyr thanks to a successful combination of late Renaissance and Baroque styles.
The church was built in the 18th century on Zhytomyr's Castle Square on the initiative of Bishop Samiylo Ozhyha, and was reconstructed in the 19th century using classicism techniques. The thickness of the brick walls reaches 2 meters. The facade is divided into two tiers, the house is topped by towers with sharp spiers. One of the pylons of the building is decorated with a bas-relief created by the famous pianist and composer Yuliush Zarembskyi.
The rich interior decoration - stucco and wall paintings - has been preserved. Currently, it is an active Catholic cathedral of the parish of Saint Sophia.
In 2011, a monument to Pope John Paul II was erected in front of the Saint Sophia Cathedral.
Water Tower
The modernized Gothic water tower is one of the symbols of old Zhytomyr.
It was built in 1898 according to the project of architect Arnold Ensh.
After the commissioning of the new "Vodokanal" complex, the need to use separate water towers disappeared.
Currently, it is an architectural monument of local importance.
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