Stryzhavka is a large village on the banks of the Southern Buh, at the entrance to Vinnytsia from the Zhytomyr side. Known since the 16th century. It was in the possession of the Potocki, then the Hroholskyi.
The main attraction is a secret military facility - Hitler's "Werewolf" pond, which appeared in the nearby forest in 1941. The remains of the bunker blown up by the fascists during the retreat have survived to this day. A monument to the prisoners of war who died during the construction of "Werewolf" was erected.
Стрижавка - велике селище на березі Південного Бугу, на в'їзді до Вінниці з боку Житомира. Відоме з XVI століття. Перебувало у володінні Потоцьких, потім Грохольських.
Головною визначною пам'яткою є секретний військовий об'єкт - ставка Гітлера "Вервольф", який з'явився в сусідньому лісі в 1941 році. Залишки підірваного фашистами під час відступу бункера збереглися до наших днів. Встановлено пам'ятник військовополоненим, які загинули під час будівництва "Вервольфу".
Historical and memorial complex "Hitler's "Werewolf" Bet"
Historic area , Castle / fortress , Museum / gallery
Remains of reinforced concrete structures of Hitler's Headquarters "Werewolf" (Wehrwolf - werewolf, armed wolf) from the Second World War.
The secret complex of the headquarters of the supreme commander of the German armed forces was built in 1941-1942 in a forest grove near the village of Stryzhavka near Vinnytsia. The complex "Werewolf" consisted of about 20 wooden houses and 3 underground reinforced concrete bunkers. The main buildings were located in the central area: the Gestapo quarters, a communications center, a dining room for senior management and officers, a tea house, 12 residential buildings for generals and senior staff officers, as well as the house of Hitler, who visited the Headquarters Werewolf in 1942 and 1943 years.
Thousands of prisoners of war from different countries died during the construction of the complex (a monument has been erected near the highway in Stryzhavka). In the spring of 1944, the bunkers were blown up by the retreating Hitler's troops.
Impressive fragments of reinforced concrete several meters thick, scattered by explosions in the forest, as well as a pool (fire tank) have been preserved. According to unconfirmed data, underground rooms could have been preserved (according to legend, up to 7 levels).
In 2011, a historical-memorial complex commemorating the victims of fascism was opened on the territory of "Werewolf", whose employees conduct tours (there are audio guides).
Accessibility for visitors with limited mobility: available ramps, exhibition on the 1st floor.
Nearby, on the territory of the boarding house "Lastivka", there is an exhibition of military equipment and weapons of the Second World War.
Military Equipment Exhibition
Museum / gallery
An exhibition of military equipment and weapons from the Second World War was opened by enthusiasts on the territory adjacent to the ruins of Hitler's "Werwolf" camp in Stryzhavka, in the premises of the former boarding house "Lastivka".
The exposition presents things found by local residents on the territory of the pond, weapons and equipment of the Soviet and German armies.
In the yard, a collection of rare military equipment from the Second World War is exhibited, including a model of the German Tiger tank.
On weekends and by reservation, a cafe styled as a field kitchen is open.
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