Kurortne - is a village and scientific center at the foot of Karadag next to Koktebel. It arose on the southeastern coast of Crimea in the late 19th - early 20th centuries.
Originally, it was called Nizhny Otuz after the Otuz River, which flows into the sea here. In 1901, the abandoned estate "Karadah" was purchased by Terentiy Vyazemskyi, a private associate professor of the Moscow University, to study the nature of Crimea. In 1907-14, the Karadah Biostation was created here (now it is a branch of the Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, and a dolphinarium works.). In 1945, the village was renamed Crimean Primorye, and in 1978 it received the status of a small town and the new name Kurortne.
Excursions to the Ka ...
Kurortne - is a village and scientific center at the foot of Karadag next to Koktebel. It arose on the southeastern coast of Crimea in the late 19th - early 20th centuries.
Originally, it was called Nizhny Otuz after the Otuz River, which flows into the sea here. In 1901, the abandoned estate "Karadah" was purchased by Terentiy Vyazemskyi, a private associate professor of the Moscow University, to study the nature of Crimea. In 1907-14, the Karadah Biostation was created here (now it is a branch of the Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, and a dolphinarium works.). In 1945, the village was renamed Crimean Primorye, and in 1978 it received the status of a small town and the new name Kurortne.
Excursions to the Karadah Reserve depart from here. There are several boarding houses.
Курортне - селище і науковий центр біля підніжжя Карадага поруч з Коктебелем. Виникло на південно-східному узбережжі Криму в кінці XIX - початку XX століття.
Спочатку називалося Нижній Отуз по імені річки Отуз, яка впадає тут в море. В 1901 році занедбаний маєток "Карадаг" придбав для вивчення природи Криму приват-доцент Московського університету Терентій Вяземський. В 1907-14 роках тут була створена Карадагська біостанція (зараз це філія Інституту біології південних морів НАН України, працює дельфінарій.). В 1945 році село перейменували на Кримське Примор'є, а в 1978 році воно отримало статус селища міського типу і нове ім'я Курортне.
Звідси відправляються екскурсії в Карадазький заповідник. Є кілька пансіонатів.
Natural object , Reserve
Karadag (Kara-Dag, Black Mountain) is the oldest volcano in Ukraine (150-170 million years).
It is unique with rare specimens of flora and fauna (10,000 species of plants, 1,632 species of butterflies, 199 species of birds), as well as fantastic relief (rocks Devil's Finger, Gingerbread Horse, Falcon, Pyramid, King, World and others).
The Karadaz nature reserve is one of the cleanest and most inaccessible reserves in Crimea (guarded by the military, entrance only with a tour from the Biostation in the village of Kurortne).
During a sea excursion, you can visit numerous bays, grottoes and the basalt rock "Golden Gate" - one of the symbols of Crimea. There is a legend about the "Karadag monster" that lives in the sea at the foot of the massif.
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