
Travel guide online Bar

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General information about Bar

The city of Bar on the Riv River is located 65 km northwest of Vinnytsia. Back in the 10th-11th centuries, the ancient Rus city of Riv existed on this site.

In 1401, the Riv fortress was first mentioned, which belonged to Albert Rovsky, then to the noble Stognev Ray from Shumsk. After the Tatar raid in 1452, Riv came into the possession of the Rus voivode Andrzej Odrovonzh.

In 1537, Queen Bona Sforza, the wife of Polish King Sigismund I, bought the city, and in 1538-39 built a new castle. The current name Bar, which she gave to the city, probably comes from the Italian principality of Bari, where the queen was from.

The mayors of the city at different times were Stanislav Zholkevskyi and Bohuslav Radzyvill. In the 17th century, Bar Castle became the residence of the cr ...

The city of Bar on the Riv River is located 65 km northwest of Vinnytsia. Back in the 10th-11th centuries, the ancient Rus city of Riv existed on this site.

In 1401, the Riv fortress was first mentioned, which belonged to Albert Rovsky, then to the noble Stognev Ray from Shumsk. After the Tatar raid in 1452, Riv came into the possession of the Rus voivode Andrzej Odrovonzh.

In 1537, Queen Bona Sforza, the wife of Polish King Sigismund I, bought the city, and in 1538-39 built a new castle. The current name Bar, which she gave to the city, probably comes from the Italian principality of Bari, where the queen was from.

The mayors of the city at different times were Stanislav Zholkevskyi and Bohuslav Radzyvill. In the 17th century, Bar Castle became the residence of the crown hetman Stanislaw Koniecpolsky, who reconstructed it according to the project of the famous engineer Guillaume de Beauplan.

In 1648, the city was captured by the troops of Colonel Maksym Kryvonos, about 2 thousand Jews were killed. For some time, the Bar Castle served as the residence of Bohdan Khmelnytskyi.

After the restoration of Polish power, Bar became a stronghold of nobility and Catholicism in Podilly. In 1748, the Bar Confederation of Polish nobility was created here against King Stanislaus Poniatowski and Tsarist Russia. After the failure of the rebellion and the capture of the city by Russian troops, the castle lost its importance and was almost completely dismantled.

In the second half of the 19th century, Bar became an important trade and craft town of Podillia. The construction of the Zhmerinka-Mohyliv railway contributed to the economic rise.

Among the architectural monuments, the former Carmelite monastery (XVII century), the Dominican church of Saint Anna (1811-1908), and the Church of the Assumption (1757) have been preserved.

The tourist infrastructure is minimal.

Місто Бар на річці Рів розташоване в 65 км на північний захід від Вінниці. Ще в Х-ХІ століттях на цьому місці існувало давньоруське місто Рів.

В 1401 році вперше згадується фортеця Рів, що належить Альбертові Ровському, потім шляхтичу Стогневу Рею із Шумська. Після татарського набігу 1452 року Рів перейшов у володіння воєводи руського Анджея Одровонжа.

В 1537 році місто придбала королева Бона Сфорца, дружина польського короля Сигізмунда I, і в 1538-39 роках заклала новий замок. Дана нею місту нинішня назва Бар, ймовірно, походить від італійського князівства Барі, звідки була родом королева.

Старостами міста в різний час були Станіслав Жолкевський і Богуслав Радзивілл. В XVII столітті Барський замок став резиденцією коронного гетьмана Станіслава Конєцпольського, який ре ...

Місто Бар на річці Рів розташоване в 65 км на північний захід від Вінниці. Ще в Х-ХІ століттях на цьому місці існувало давньоруське місто Рів.

В 1401 році вперше згадується фортеця Рів, що належить Альбертові Ровському, потім шляхтичу Стогневу Рею із Шумська. Після татарського набігу 1452 року Рів перейшов у володіння воєводи руського Анджея Одровонжа.

В 1537 році місто придбала королева Бона Сфорца, дружина польського короля Сигізмунда I, і в 1538-39 роках заклала новий замок. Дана нею місту нинішня назва Бар, ймовірно, походить від італійського князівства Барі, звідки була родом королева.

Старостами міста в різний час були Станіслав Жолкевський і Богуслав Радзивілл. В XVII столітті Барський замок став резиденцією коронного гетьмана Станіслава Конєцпольського, який реконструював його за проєктом знаменитого інженера Гійома де Боплана.

В 1648 році місто захопили війська полковника Максима Кривоноса, було вбито близько 2 тисяч євреїв. Деякий час Барський замок служив резиденцією Богданові Хмельницькому.

Після відновлення польської влади Бар став опорним пунктом шляхти і католицизму на Поділлі. В 1748 році тут була створена Барська конфедерація польської шляхти проти короля Станіслава Понятовського та царської Росії. Після провалу заколоту й взяття міста під контроль російськими військами замок втратив значення і був майже повністю розібраний.

В другій половині XIX століття Бар став значним торгово-ремісничим містом Поділля. Економічному піднесенню сприяло будівництво залізниці Жмеринка - Могилів.

З архітектурних пам'яток збереглися колишній монастир кармелітів (XVII сторіччя), Домініканський костел Святої Анни (1811-1908 роки), Успенська церква (1757рк).

Туристична інфраструктура мінімальна.

Сплануй своє перебування у Bar

What to see and where to go in Bar

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Tourist attractions and museums of Bar

Saint Anna's Church, Bar
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Saint Anna's Church

Temple , Architecture

The Church of Saint Anne was built in Bar for the Dominican order in 1811, although its foundation dates back to the time of Queen Bona.

According to some data, it was founded back in 1550 and bore the name of Saint Nicholas.

In 1768, under its vaults, representatives of the Polish nobility, led by the Bishop of Kamyanets, Adam Stanislav Krasinsky, announced the creation of the Bar Confederation - a military-political union to protect the nobility from the pressures of the Polish king and fight for Poland's independence from the Russian Empire, which gave impetus to the Koliiv region and actually led to the first division of Poland.

In its current form, the church of Saint Anna was rebuilt in 1902-1908. A beautiful example of Neo-Gothic.

In 1933-1942, the church was closed twice. Now it is valid again.

Map pin icon Svyatoho Mykolaya Street, 12


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Assumption Cathedral, Bar
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Assumption of Blessed Virgin Mary Cathedral

Temple , Architecture

The Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is located in the center of the city of Bar, next to the church and the city park, where the remains of the Bar castle have been preserved.

Previously, there was a small Trinity Church on this place, which was mentioned in 1738. According to legend, it was founded by the Cossack colonel Semen Paliy, who led the anti-Polish uprising in 1702 and captured Bar.

The current Assumption Cathedral was built in 1757. Initially, the building was single-domed, cruciform in plan. The temple was closed in 1838 due to cracks in the walls and dome. Major repairs were completed in 1851. The dome was rebuilt, the architecture of the building was changed, and a three-tiered brick belfry was added.

An oil painting of the 19th century has been preserved on the walls of the Assumption Cathedral.

Map pin icon Svyatoho Mykolaya Street, 22


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Bar Castle
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Bar Castle

Castle / fortress

The remains of the defensive structures of the Bar Castle can be found on the bank of the Riv River in the territory of the current Bar City Park.

The wooden castle was built and named after the native city of Bari by the Polish queen Bona from the Italian Sforza family in 1538. Bernard Pretvych, Stanislav Zholkevskyi and Bohuslav Radzyvill were the castle's elders at different times.

In 1636, when Crown Hetman Stanislav Konetspolskyi chose Bar as his new residence, the construction of the stone castle began. The author of the project was the famous French engineer Hiyom de Boplan. The castle on the bank of the river, raised by a high dam, was square in plan, with four bastions almost 6 meters high. It was considered the second most powerful after Kamyanets and was called the "Key to Eastern Podillya".

In 1648, it was taken by the Cossack troops of Colonel Maksym Kryvonos, then for some time it served as the residence of Bohdan Khmelnytskyi. In 1672, it was captured by the Turkish army.

It was finally destroyed in 1768 by Russian troops who came to help the Polish king in the fight against the confederates, who chose Bar as their outpost.

Only separate fragments above the river have survived. A city park has been laid out on the territory of the castle, in the center of which is a monument to the liberating soldiers.

Map pin icon Viktora Bunyakovskoho Street, 7


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Bar Historical Museum
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Bar Historical Museum

Museum / gallery

Bar Historical Museum, founded in 1985, is located on the second floor of the local cinema.

Today, the exhibition has about 8,000 exhibits that reflect important stages in the history of the region since ancient times.

The ethnographic exposition presents traditional household items: pottery, a fragment of a loom, antique clothing.

The works of famous bar ceramists, including Hryhoriy and Oleksandr Reshitnyky, Pavlo Samolovych, Hryhoriy Krulykovsky and others, deserve special attention. There is a large selection of paintings by Honored Master of Ukraine Vira Bychkova - bas-reliefs, still lifes, landscapes, wood carvings.

Map pin icon Svyatoho Mykolaya Square, 19


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Intercession Church (Carmelite Monastyr), Bar
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Intercession Church (Carmelite Monastery)

Temple , Architecture

The Carmelite monastery was founded in Bar in 1531, but soon the wooden buildings were destroyed.

In 1616, the construction of a college and a Jesuit monastery was started on the ruins. It, in turn, was destroyed during the Liberation War of 1648-1654, but the stone monastery building was partially preserved. Reconstruction began in 1701 and continued intermittently until 1787.

The church and the cell building are made in the form of a single building in the Baroque style, which looks little like a temple. In 1908, the belfry over the gate was built.

For some time, the complex belonged to the Orthodox Church, but now its owners are Benedictine missionary sisters.

Map pin icon Monastyrska Street, 55


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