The village of Medvedeve is located near Lake Donuzlav, between Chornomorsk and Evpatoriia. Until 1944, it was called Tabulda-Ass. This Turkic name etymologically comes from the names of the tribes of Alans and Asis (Adygeans, inhabitants of Taman, who were called Yasami or Asis), who lived in the Crimea since pre-Mongol times.
In the second half of the 4th century BC, the ancient Greek settlement of Bilyaus, which was a fortified manor (the ruins have been preserved), arose not far from here. At the turn of the century, the coast was captured by the Scythians, later there was a Khazar settlement.
In the 19th century, there was a salt fishery here.
The resort part with several recreation centers is located 3 kilometers from the village - on the banks of the Donuzlav. T ...
The village of Medvedeve is located near Lake Donuzlav, between Chornomorsk and Evpatoriia. Until 1944, it was called Tabulda-Ass. This Turkic name etymologically comes from the names of the tribes of Alans and Asis (Adygeans, inhabitants of Taman, who were called Yasami or Asis), who lived in the Crimea since pre-Mongol times.
In the second half of the 4th century BC, the ancient Greek settlement of Bilyaus, which was a fortified manor (the ruins have been preserved), arose not far from here. At the turn of the century, the coast was captured by the Scythians, later there was a Khazar settlement.
In the 19th century, there was a salt fishery here.
The resort part with several recreation centers is located 3 kilometers from the village - on the banks of the Donuzlav. The local beaches are sandy and muddy, mostly shallow.
Село Медведеве розташоване поблизу озера Донузлав, між Чорноморським і Евпаторією. До 1944 року називалося Табулда-Асс. Ця тюркська назва етимологічно походить від імен племен аланів й асів (адигейців, жителів Тамані, яких називали ясами або ас), які мешкали в Криму з домонгольских часів.
В другій половині IV сторіччя до нашої ери неподалік звідси виникло давньогрецьке поселення Біляус, що являло собою укріплену садибу (збереглися руїни). На рубежі століть узбережжя захопили скіфи, пізніше існувало хазарське поселення.
В XIX столітті тут був соляний промисел.
Курортна частина з декількома базами відпочинку знаходиться в 3 кілометрах від села - на березі Донузлава. Тутешні пляжі піщано-мулисті, в більшості своїй мілководні.
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