
Travel guide online Kolodiazhne

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General information about Kolodiazhne

The village of Kolodiazhne is located 8 kilometers from Lutsk. The outstanding Ukrainian poetess Lesya Ukrainka (Larysa Kosach) spent her childhood in this village.

The estate in the center of the village was purchased in 1868 by Lesya's father Petro Kosach, who soon moved here with his family. Young Lesya was brought up in the bosom of the fabulous nature of Volyn under the influence of her mother - the writer Olena Pchilka. The estate has been turned into a literary and memorial museum, here you can see the house of the parents and the "white house" of Lesya herself with the personal belongings of the family in the interiors.

Nearby in the Nechimne tract, where Lesya often visited, the "Fores ...

Село Колодяжне розташоване в 8 кілометрах від Луцька. У цьому селі провела дитинство видатна українська поетеса Леся Українка (Лариса Косач).

Садибу в центрі села придбав в 1868 році батько Лесі Петро Косач, незабаром переїхавши сюди з родиною. Юна Леся виховувалася на лоні казкової волинської природи під впливом своєї матері - письменниці Олени Пчілки. Садиба перетворена в літературно-меморіальний музей, тут можна побачити будинок батьків і "білий дім" самої Лесі з особистими речами сім'ї в інтер'єрах.

Неподалік в урочищі Нечимне, де часто бувала Леся, відкритий музей "Лісової пісні". Поруч на трасі є мотель.

Сплануй своє перебування у Kolodiazhne

What to see and where to go in Kolodiazhne

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Tourist attractions and museums of Kolodiazhne

Lesya Ukrayinka Manor-Museum, Kolodiazhne
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Lesya Ukrayinka Literary and Memorial Manor-Museum

Palace / manor , Architecture , Museum / gallery

Lesya Ukrayinka Literary and Memorial Museum "Kosach Manor" was opened on the territory of the Kosach family estate in the village of Kolodiazhne near Kovel in 1949. It is a department of the Volyn Museum of Local Lore.

The future poetess spent her childhood and youth here, from 1882 to 1897. Her talent was formed under the influence of the legends of the Volyn region, which were told to her by her mother - the writer Olena Pchilka (Olha Kosach). Here Lesya Ukrayinka began her creative career, writing about 80 works: "Lily of water", "Safo", "Mermaid", "Singer", "Prisoner" and others.

The "White House" with a solarium on the roof of the veranda, built especially for Lesya by her father - Petro Kosach, as well as the "Grey House" of the father himself have been preserved. In the houses, the authentic atmosphere is recreated, and personal belongings of the Kosach are presented.

The Lesya Ukrayinka Literary and Memorial Museum is now located on the site of a large manor house. Four exhibition halls contain documentary materials and exhibits that tell about the life and work of Lesya Ukrayinka.

The Kosach Manor Museum sector is the monographic exhibition "Forest Song Museum" in the Nechimne tract near the village of Skulyn, 17 kilometers from Kolodiazhne.

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