The Volyn forest village of Skulyn is located 15 kilometers northeast of Kovel, where the Ukrainian poetess Lesya Ukrainka often visited as a child.
Here she heard Volyn legends about the fairy-tale inhabitants of Polissia thickets, which later inspired her to create many beautiful literary works. Nearby is the Nechimne tract, where the museum of Lesya Ukrainka's drama extravaganza "Forest Song" has been created.
There is no tourist infrastructure in the village, but the road to the reserve is signposted.
Лісове волинське село Скулин розташоване в 15 кілометрах на північний схід від Ковеля, де в дитинстві часто бувала українська поетеса Леся Українка.
Тут вона чула волинські легенди про казкових мешканців поліських хащ, що надихнуло її згодом на створення безлічі прекрасних літературних творів. Поруч знаходиться урочище Нечимне, в якому створено музей драми-феєрії Лесі Українки "Лісова пісня".
Туристична інфраструктура в селі відсутня, проте дорога до заповідника позначена покажчиками.
Museum of Forest Song
Museum / gallery
The picturesque Nechymne tract with a lake in the middle of a protected forest is described by Lesya Ukrayinka in the poem "Forest Song".
There was a forest estate in which the young Lesya spent the summer months visiting Uncle Lev - the prototype of one of the characters in the famous extravaganza drama. It was from him that the future poetess heard many fairy tales about monkeys, mermaids, foresters and other characters of folk folklore.
Today, there is a small "Forest Song" museum, Uncle Lev's well, and a gallery of wooden sculptures on the territory. The lake itself is almost completely overgrown, cleaning work is not carried out.
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