
Travel guide online Hushcha

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General information about Hushcha

The border village of Hushcha is located at the confluence of the Popova River into the Zakhidniy Buh, near the border with Poland. Administratively, it is part of the Rivne community of the Kovel district of the Volyn region.

It was first mentioned in the chronicles in 1442, but the official date of foundation is considered to be 1510. In the Horodyshche tract south of the village, the remains of earthen fortifications from the 11th century have been preserved.

As of the mid-18th century, the village had an inn, a brewery, and a two-wheeled mill on the Buh River and a mill on the pond.

The wooden Holy Transfiguration Church of 1782 burned down during World War II. The modern church was built in 1996.

Прикордонне село Гуща розташоване при впадінні річки Попової в Західний Буг, поруч із кордоном з Польщею. Адміністративно входить до складу Рівненської громади Ковельського району Волинської області.

Вперше згадується в літописах 1442 року, але офіційною датою заснування вважається 1510 рік. В урочищі Городище на південь збереглися залишки земляних укріплень ХІ століття.

Станом на середину XVIII століття в селі функціонувала корчма, броварня і двоколісний млин на річці Буг та млинок на ставу.

Дерев'яна Свято-Преображенська церква 1782 року згоріла під час Другої світової війни. Сучасний храм збудований у 1996 році.

Сплануй своє перебування у Hushcha

What to see and where to go in Hushcha

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Tourist attractions and museums of Hushcha

Historical and Ethnographic Museum, Hushcha
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Historical and Ethnographic Museum

Museum / gallery

Two museums operate at the Hushcha Lyceum in the Rivne region: historical and ethnographic. Both were created on the initiative of local teachers and were awarded the title of "Exemplary Museum".

The historical exposition was founded in 1983 as the Museum of Border Glory, which was dedicated to the creation and combat path of the 98th Lyuboml Border Detachment during World War II. Later, the museum was supplemented with sections on the activities of the UPA in the region, heroes of the Russian-Ukrainian war, materials on the history of the village of Hushcha and its prominent residents.

The basis of the exposition of the local history museum is a collection of antiquities, which was collected by the famous local historian Petro Hots. In particular, a large selection of embroidered towels from different regions of Ukraine is presented. The museum contains many original things that were once used by housewives in their everyday lives.

The museum complex of the Hushcha Lyceum functions as an interactive educational space. Schoolchildren are actively involved in the development of its expositions and act as tour guides.

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