
Travel guide online Rokyni

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Information on this page is translated from Ukrainian language automatically by machine translation and may not always accurately express the original. We nevertheless hope it will be of use to you and make it easier for you to plan your trip.

General information about Rokyni

The village of Rokyni is located 12 kilometers north of Lutsk in the direction of Kovel.

The open-air Museum of the History of Agriculture of Volyn (skansen) has been opened here. Against the background of picturesque nature, a real Volyn village of the 19th century was created. Wooden buildings and items of folk life were collected in the surrounding villages. Employees live and work in the museum, recreating rural life and ancient folk traditions. Most of the museum's exhibits are active, and "green tourism" is organized on their basis. Various promotions and festivals are held.

Селище Рокині розташоване в 12 кілометрах на північ від Луцька в бік Ковеля.

Тут відкрито Музей історії сільського господарства Волині просто неба (скансен). На фоні мальовничої природи створено справжнє волинське село XIX сторіччя. Дерев'яні споруди і предмети народного побуту зібрані в навколишніх селах. Співробітники живуть і працюють в музеї, відтворюючи сільський побут і старовинні народні традиції. Більшість експонатів музею діючі, на їх базі організовують "зелений туризм". Проводяться різноманітні акції та фестивалі.

Сплануй своє перебування у Rokyni

What to see and where to go in Rokyni

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Tourist attractions and museums of Rokyni

Volyn Agriculture History Museum, Rokyni
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Volyn Agriculture History Museum

Museum / gallery , Ethnographic complex

The open-air museum of the History of Agriculture of Volyn (skansen) is located in the village of Rokyni on the territory of the local dendrological park.

The life of the Volyn peasants of the 19th century is reproduced here. There are 12 old wooden architectural buildings on a small area: a church, a mill, a forge, white and dusty houses, farm buildings, etc.

All exhibits are active, visitors are offered to use tools and household items.

By pre-order, the museum staff in ethnic costumes will heat the ovens, prepare a peasant dinner, organize folk holidays and ancient ceremonies. A regular tour is available without prior reservation.

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