The village of Ozaryntsi is located in a hilly area 10 kilometers north of Mohyliv-Podilskyi. It was first mentioned in the 15th century, it belonged to Podilsk elder Teodoryk Buchachski, then to Yazlovetskyi. Subsequently, it changed owners very often.
In 1657, the Mohyliv colonel Ostap Hohol built the stone Ozaryntsi castle (fragments have survived), which served as a defense against the frequent invasions of the Podillia Tatars by the Volochsky route, which ran along the right Bessarabian bank of the Dniester.
In 1674, the Polish king issued a station wagon for the possession of the Ozaryntsi to the son of Ostap Hohol - Prokop, but already at the end of the 17th century, the owners of the village bec ...
The village of Ozaryntsi is located in a hilly area 10 kilometers north of Mohyliv-Podilskyi. It was first mentioned in the 15th century, it belonged to Podilsk elder Teodoryk Buchachski, then to Yazlovetskyi. Subsequently, it changed owners very often.
In 1657, the Mohyliv colonel Ostap Hohol built the stone Ozaryntsi castle (fragments have survived), which served as a defense against the frequent invasions of the Podillia Tatars by the Volochsky route, which ran along the right Bessarabian bank of the Dniester.
In 1674, the Polish king issued a station wagon for the possession of the Ozaryntsi to the son of Ostap Hohol - Prokop, but already at the end of the 17th century, the owners of the village became the Counts Dzedushycki, under whom the Roman Catholic Church of the Holy Virgin was built.
In 1719, the parishioners built a wooden church, and in 1865, at the expense of Count Chatsky, a five-bay church was built in its place in honor of the Nativity of the Virgin. The synagogue dates back to the 18th century.
A few more ancient buildings have been preserved, including a water mill that still operates today.
Село Озаринці розташоване в горбистій місцевості в 10 кылометрах на північ від Могилева-Подільського. Вперше згадується в XV сторіччі, належало подільському старості Теодорикові Бучацькому, потім Язловецьким. Згодом дуже часто змінювало господарів.
В 1657 році могильовським полковником Остапом Гоголем був побудований кам'яний Озаринецький замок (збереглися фрагменти), що служив захистом від частих вторгнень на Поділля татар Волоським шляхом, що йшов уздовж правого бессарабського берега Дністра.
В 1674 році польський король видав універсал на володіння Озаринцями синові Остапа Гоголя - Прокопу, проте вже в кінці ХVII столітті господарями села стали графи Дзедушицькі, за яких був побудований римо-като ...
Село Озаринці розташоване в горбистій місцевості в 10 кылометрах на північ від Могилева-Подільського. Вперше згадується в XV сторіччі, належало подільському старості Теодорикові Бучацькому, потім Язловецьким. Згодом дуже часто змінювало господарів.
В 1657 році могильовським полковником Остапом Гоголем був побудований кам'яний Озаринецький замок (збереглися фрагменти), що служив захистом від частих вторгнень на Поділля татар Волоським шляхом, що йшов уздовж правого бессарабського берега Дністра.
В 1674 році польський король видав універсал на володіння Озаринцями синові Остапа Гоголя - Прокопу, проте вже в кінці ХVII столітті господарями села стали графи Дзедушицькі, за яких був побудований римо-католицький костел Пресвятої Богородиці.
В 1719 році парафіяни побудували дерев'яну церкву, а в 1865 році на її місці, коштом графа Чацького, був закладений п'ятибанний храм на честь Різдва Богородиці. До XVIII століття відноситься синагога.
Збереглося ще кілька старовинних будівель, зокрема водяний млин, який діє донині.
Holy Dormition Church
Temple , Architecture
The Holy Dormition Church was built in place of the burnt down wooden Cossack church, founded in Ozaryntsi back in 1719.
The parishioners of the Assumption Parish, assigned to the Christmas Church after the fire, could not come to terms with the fact that on major holidays they have to stand outside during the service. In 1882, they sent their representatives to the Metropolitan of Kamyanets-Podilskyi, who allocated part of the funds and sent an architect to the village to build a new church.
The construction dragged on for many years, the parishioners were never able to settle the bill with the architect, and he promised that the church would not stand still for a long time. It was indeed closed in the 1930s, was used for economic purposes for a long time, and still remains in a state of disrepair.
Nativity of Most Holy Virgin Church
Temple , Architecture
The five-domed church in honor of the Nativity of the Most Holy Virgin Church in Ozaryntsi was founded in 1865 at the expense of Count Chatsky, consecrated in 1868.
It is located on the same place where the first wooden Ozaryntsi Orthodox church was built in 1719.
Inside the Nativity Church there is a two-tier carved iconostasis. Especially revered icons: the Mother of God of the Quick Obedience, Saint Onuphrius.
Ozaryntsi Castle
Castle / fortress
Only separate fragments have survived from the Ozaryntsi castle, built in 1657, which protected Podillya from the frequent raids of the Tatars along the Volochsky route.
The builders of the fortress were the Cossacks of the Mohyliv colonel Ostap Hohol (the ancestor of Mykola Hohol), and his son Prokop in 1674 received a station wagon for the possession of the Ozaryntsi people from the Polish king.
In 1690, the castle was destroyed by the Turks, but after their expulsion from Podillya in 1699, it was restored again. According to legend, underground passages led from the fortress down under the river and up to the current shopping square.
Later, the castle lost its value and was almost completely dismantled. One of the owners converted its remains into granaries. Until now, sections of the eastern wall, one tier of the entrance tower and the casemate have been partially preserved.
Saint Elizaveta Church
Temple , Architecture
The Roman Catholic Church of the Visitation of Elizaveta by the Blessed Virgin Mary was founded in Ozaryntsi in 1741 at the expense of Count Dzedushytskyi and Coroner Trembovalskyi. At first it was wooden.
According to other sources, the first Catholic church in Ozaryntsi was made of stone and existed already in the 17th century.
The current church was built in 1842 in the strict forms of classicism. An organ made in Warsaw was installed inside.
In 1937, the church was closed and turned into a warehouse. The revival began in 1987. Currently, the church of Elizaveta in Ozaryntsi is active.
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