
Travel guide online Zymne

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General information about Zymne

The small village of Zymne is located 5 kilometers northwest of Volodymyr.

Probably, in early Slavic times, the city of Ladomyr existed on this site, which was later moved to the site of the current settlement in Volodymyr (a pagan temple of the 16th-17th centuries has been preserved).

The current settlement has been known since 1001 as a fortified winter residence of the Princes of Volodymyr, which is where the name comes from. Later, the Kyiv-Pechersk monk Varlaam founded the Sviatohirsky Dormition Monastery here. In the 15th century, it was fortified with defensive walls, and stone temples were built. Currently, the monastery is active, it is a major pilgrimage center for Orthodox believers.

Невелике село Зимне розташоване в 5 кілометрах на північний захід від Володимира.

Ймовірно, в ранньослов'янські часи на цьому місці існувало місто Ладомир, перенесене потім на місце нинішнього городища у Володимирі (збереглося язичницьке капище XVI-XVII сторічь).

Нинішнє поселення відоме з 1001 року як укріплена зимова резиденція Володимирських князів, звідки походить назва. Пізніше києво-печерський монах Варлаам заснував тут Святогірський Успенський монастир. В XV столітті він був укріплений оборонними стінами, були побудовані кам'яні храми. В даний час монастир діючий, він є великим центром паломництва православних віруючих.

Сплануй своє перебування у Zymne

What to see and where to go in Zymne

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Tourist attractions and museums of Zymne

Zymne Assumption Monastery
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Zymne Assumption Monastery

Temple , Architecture

Zymne Assumption Monastery at the Holy Mountain is one of the oldest Orthodox monasteries in Ukraine.

According to legend, the Zymne Monastery was founded in 1073 by the Kyiv-Pechersk monk Varlaam at the winter residence of the Volodymyr princes, founded in 1001 by Prince Volodymyr the Great on Holy Mountain near the city of Volodymyr. The cave church of Varlaam Pecherskyi and "Terem Volodymyr" have been preserved.

The complex is dominated by the majestic Trinity Church (1465-1475), as well as the Assumption Church (1495-1550).

The monastery is surrounded by defensive walls with corner towers under tented roofs, built in the XV-XVI centuries by the patrons of the monastery, the Chartoriysky princes. The 720-kilogram Chartoriysky bell is kept on the territory.

The remains of many Volodymyr bishops, for whom Zymne served as a country residence, rest in underground crypts.

The main shrine of the Monastery at the Holy Mountain is the miraculous Zymne icon of the Mother of God, which, according to legend, was presented to the monastery by Prince Volodymyr the Great. A monument to Saint Volodymyr the Baptist was installed in the yard.

The monastery has a pilgrimage complex with a hotel, a bakery and prosphora, a gold sewing workshop, and an icon bench. Nuns conduct tours.

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