Stara Skvariava

Travel guide online Stara Skvariava

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General information about Stara Skvariava

The village of Stara Skvariava is located northwest of Zhovkva, just beyond the railway.

It was first mentioned in 1398 as a royal village. Later it belonged to Zholkevsky and Sobesky.

The wooden church of Saint Archangel Michael of the 16th-18th centuries was preserved, which was moved here in 1715 from the village of Hlynsk, where it stood on the site of the Shchekotyn settlement, destroyed by the Mongols in 1241.

Nearby is the entomological reserve "Zahora".

Село Стара Скварява розташоване на північний захід від Жовкви, відразу за залізницею.

Вперше згадується в 1398 році як королівське село. Пізніше належало Жолкевским і Собеським.

Збереглася дерев'яна церква Святого Архистратига Михаїла XVI-XVIII сторічь, яку було перенесено сюди в 1715 році з села Глинськ, де вона стояла на місці городища Щекотин, знищеного монголами в 1241 році.

Поруч знаходиться ентомологічний заказник "Загора".

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What to see and where to go in Stara Skvariava

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Tourist attractions and museums of Stara Skvariava

Museum "Staroskvariavsky Iconostasis" (Archangel Michael Church), Stara Skvariava
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Museum "Staroskvariavsky Iconostasis" (Archangel Michael Church)

Temple , Architecture , Museum / gallery

The Church of Saint Archangel Michael in Stara Skvariava near Zhovkva is one of the oldest wooden churches in Ukraine that have an accurate dating.

According to the inscription on the timber of the southern wall, the temple was built in 1508. The church originally stood on the ancient Rus settlement Shchekotyn in nearby Hlynsk. In 1715, it was moved to Stara Skvariava, when the local church burned down.

The iconostasis was also moved - one of the best monuments of the Peremyshl school of icon painting. The icons of the prayer row, which depict two figures of saints and two evangelical subjects, belong to the 16th century. The central icon of the series is "Salvation in the Powers of Heaven", under which the "Last Supper" is depicted. These works belong to the masters of the Peremyshl school of icon painting. The royal gates date back to the middle of the 17th century.

Since 2015, the museum "Starokvariavsky iconostasis of the XVI-XVIII centuries" has been operating in the church - a branch of the Lviv Museum of the History of Religion.

Information on accessibility: available ramp.

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