
Travel guide online Obroshyne

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General information about Obroshyne

The suburban village of Obroshyne is located next to the Lviv district road, between the exits to Horodok and Pustomyty.

Known since 1447 as Obroshyn, the property of the Polish crown. In 1456, King Kazymyr IV transferred these lands to the Galician boyar Petro Shamatulsky, who, in turn, sold the village to Lviv Archbishop Hryhoriy. Since then, Obroshyne has become the summer residence of Lviv bishops.

In 1730, a palace with a park, two outbuildings and a front gate was built according to the project of the Polish architect Yuzef Fontana. Now the Research Institute of Ahgriculture and Animal Husbandry is located here.

The ruins of the parish church (1791) and the church of Saint Dmytro (1914) are also preserved in Obroshyne.

Приміське село Оброшине розташоване поруч з львівської окружною дорогою, між з'їздами на Городок і на Пустомити.

Відоме з 1447 року як Оброшин, власність польської корони. В 1456 році король Казимир IV передав ці землі галицькому боярину Петру Шаматульскому, який, в свою чергу, продав село львівському архієпископу Григорію. З тих пір Оброшине стало літньою резиденцією львівських єпископів.

В 1730 році був зведений палац з парком, двома флігелями і парадними воротами за проектом польського архітектора Юзефа Фонтани. Зараз тут розміщується НДІ землеробства й тваринництва.

Також в Оброшині збереглися руїни парафіяльного костелу (1791 рік) і церква Святого Дмитра (1914 рік).

Сплануй своє перебування у Obroshyne

What to see and where to go in Obroshyne

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Tourist attractions and museums of Obroshyne

Archbishop's Palace, Obroshyne
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Archbishop's Palace

Palace / manor , Architecture

The Palace of the Lviv Archbishops in Obroshyne is an outstanding example of a Galician country estate, the architecture of which intertwines the styles of Baroque, Rococo and Secession (Austrian Art Nouveau).

Since the 15th century, the village of Obroshyne near Lviv served as the summer residence of Lviv archbishops. In 1730, Archbishop Yan Skarbek built a palace here according to the project of the architect Yuzef Fontana. Initially, the architectural complex was built in the Baroque style. In 1922-1925, the architect Bronislav Victor rebuilt the front facade in the Art Nouveau style, while the park facade retained its Baroque design. The service buildings adjacent to the front gate are decorated with sculptures in the Rococo style.

Adjacent to the palace is an arboretum (60 species of trees and shrubs) with a small menagerie.

Currently, a research institute of agriculture and animal husbandry is located on the territory of the manor.

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