
Travel guide online Sokolivka

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General information about Sokolivka

The village of Sokolivka above the Boberka River is located on the highway N-09 "Lviv - Ivano-Frankivsk" 10 kilometers south of Bibrka.

It was first mentioned in 1389, for a long time it was known as Senyava, the property of the Senyavsky family. In 1558, Senyava received the right of Magdeburg, and had the status of a city until the 19th century. At the beginning of the 19th century, Sokolivka was owned by the Mrozhovytskyi family. The next owners were Yavory, Lodynski, Gedroitsy.

The Church of the Holy Trinity, which was founded in 1594 by Anna Senyavska, has survived to this day. A century later, the temple was surrounded by defensive fortifications with corner towers. The wooden Saint Nico ...

The village of Sokolivka above the Boberka River is located on the highway N-09 "Lviv - Ivano-Frankivsk" 10 kilometers south of Bibrka.

It was first mentioned in 1389, for a long time it was known as Senyava, the property of the Senyavsky family. In 1558, Senyava received the right of Magdeburg, and had the status of a city until the 19th century. At the beginning of the 19th century, Sokolivka was owned by the Mrozhovytskyi family. The next owners were Yavory, Lodynski, Gedroitsy.

The Church of the Holy Trinity, which was founded in 1594 by Anna Senyavska, has survived to this day. A century later, the temple was surrounded by defensive fortifications with corner towers. The wooden Saint Nicolas church (XVIII century) has also been preserved.

Село Соколівка над річці Боберка розташоване на трасі Н-09 "Львів - Івано-Франківськ" в 10 кілометрах на південь від Бібрки.

Вперше згадується в 1389 році, довгий час було відоме як Сенява, власність роду Сенявських. В 1558 році Сенява отримала Магдебурзьке право, статусом міста володіла до XIX століття. На початку XIX століття Соколівкою володів рід Мрожовицьких. Наступними власниками були Явори, Лодинські, Гедройци.

Зберігся дотепер костел Святої Трійці, який було засновано в 1594 році Анною Сенявською. Через століття храм було оточено оборонними укріпленнями з кутовими вежами. Також збереглася дерев'яна Миколаївська церква (XVIII століття).

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