
Travel guide online Svirzh

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General information about Svirzh

The village of Svirzh is spread out on the hilly banks of the river Svirzh 40 km east of Lviv.

It was first mentioned in 1427, when it was visited by the Polish king Vladyslav II. Above a picturesque pond, a medieval castle rises here, the first defensive structures of which date back to 1482. The fortifications on Mount Belz were significantly expanded and turned into a magnate residence by the Polish gentry Svirzhsky in 1530.

Due to its favorable location on a steep hill among lakes and swamps, the Svirzh castle repeatedly withstood Turkish siege, but was captured by the troops of Bohdan Khmelnitsky. In the XVII century. the castle belonged to the counts of Tsetnery, who gave it a modern look by invit ...

The village of Svirzh is spread out on the hilly banks of the river Svirzh 40 km east of Lviv.

It was first mentioned in 1427, when it was visited by the Polish king Vladyslav II. Above a picturesque pond, a medieval castle rises here, the first defensive structures of which date back to 1482. The fortifications on Mount Belz were significantly expanded and turned into a magnate residence by the Polish gentry Svirzhsky in 1530.

Due to its favorable location on a steep hill among lakes and swamps, the Svirzh castle repeatedly withstood Turkish siege, but was captured by the troops of Bohdan Khmelnitsky. In the XVII century. the castle belonged to the counts of Tsetnery, who gave it a modern look by inviting engineer Pavlo Grodzytsky.

Another attraction of Svirzh is the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin (1546).

Until 2009, the village hosted the annual festival of cultures of the peoples of the world "Svirzh".

Село Свірж розкинулося на горбистих берегах річки Свірж в 40 кілометрах на схід від Львова.

Вперше згадується в 1427 році, коли його відвідав польський король Владислав II. Над мальовничим ставком тут височіє середньовічний замок, перші оборонні споруди якого датуються 1482 роком. Укріплення на горі Белз були значно розширені та перетворені на магнатську резиденцію польськими шляхтичами Свірзькими в 1530 році.

Завдяки вдалому розташуванню на підвищенні посеред озер і боліт, Свірзький замок неодноразово витримував турецькі облоги, але був захоплений військами Богдана Хмельницького.

В XVII столітті замок належав графам Цетнерам, які надали йому сучасного вигляду, запросивши інженера Павла Ґродзицько ...

Село Свірж розкинулося на горбистих берегах річки Свірж в 40 кілометрах на схід від Львова.

Вперше згадується в 1427 році, коли його відвідав польський король Владислав II. Над мальовничим ставком тут височіє середньовічний замок, перші оборонні споруди якого датуються 1482 роком. Укріплення на горі Белз були значно розширені та перетворені на магнатську резиденцію польськими шляхтичами Свірзькими в 1530 році.

Завдяки вдалому розташуванню на підвищенні посеред озер і боліт, Свірзький замок неодноразово витримував турецькі облоги, але був захоплений військами Богдана Хмельницького.

В XVII столітті замок належав графам Цетнерам, які надали йому сучасного вигляду, запросивши інженера Павла Ґродзицького.

Інша пам'ятка Свіржа - костел Успіння Богородиці (1546 рік).

До 2009 року в селі проводився щорічний фестиваль культур народів світу "Свірж".

Сплануй своє перебування у Svirzh

What to see and where to go in Svirzh

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Tourist attractions and museums of Svirzh

Assumption and Holy Trinity Church, Svirzh
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Assumption of the Virgin & Holy Trinity Church

Temple , Architecture

The Castle Church of the Assumption of the Virgin was built in Svirzh in 1546 by the magnate Andriy Svirzhsky on the site of a wooden church of the 15th century.

After several reconstructions, the church acquired a Renaissance appearance, although it was originally Gothic. Above the entrance you can see the remains of the noble coat of arms of the former owners.

An underground passage led to the church from the castle, which can still be traced in the moat near the drawbridge.

In Soviet times, the temple was used as a warehouse.

In 1994, the church building was handed over to the faithful of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church. The temple was consecrated as the Church of the Holy Trinity and the Assumption of the Virgin. The restoration has been carried out.

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Svirzh Castle
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Svirzh Castle

Castle / fortress , Architecture , Museum / gallery

The Svirzh Castle in the Lviv region is a picturesque medieval building in the Renaissance style, a unique monument of defensive architecture of the XV-XVII centuries. The monument is part of the "Golden Horseshoe of Lviv region" tourist route.

It was originally built as a fortress, but after the reconstruction of the 17th century, it acquired the noble features of a magnate's residence. The first defensive structures on Mount Belz, surrounded by lakes and marshes, date back to 1484 (the ruins of the tower and grotto to the right of the entrance).

Svirzh Castle was first mentioned in documents in 1530, when it belonged to the Svirzhsky nobles. In the middle of the 17th century, it was rebuilt and significantly strengthened by Count Oleksandr Zetner, according to one version, inviting the famous fortification engineer Pavlo Hrodzytskyi from Lviv.

The castle with a defensive moat and a bridge is divided into two courtyards of different levels, surrounded by Renaissance towers and houses. Having become a comfortable residence, Svirzh Castle was able to withstand several Turkish sieges, but before that it was captured by the Cossack troops of Bohdan Khmelnytskyi.

He suffered greatly during the First and Second World Wars.

During Soviet times, the Svirzh Castle became the property of the Union of Architects as the House of Creativity, but the restoration was never completed. It is planned to transfer the castle to a private investor under concession conditions.

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