The village of Vyzhniany is located 10 kilometers west of Hlyniany.
It was first mentioned in 1397. It became famous for its fish fairs. In 1400, the church of Saint Nicholas was founded in the village, which was rebuilt several times in the 17th-20th centuries.
At different times, the village belonged to the magnates Klyus, Kuropatnytsky, Chartoryysky, Lyubomyrsky, and Potoski. In 1720, Vyzhniany received the right of Magdeburg, but eventually lost the status of a town, as the main transport highways were laid past them.
Село Вижняни розташоване в 10 кілометрах на захід від Глинян.
Вперше згадується в 1397 році. Прославилося рибними ярмарками. В 1400 році в селі було засновано костел Святого Миколая, який неодноразово перебудовували в XVII-XX століттях.
В різний час село належало магнатам Клюсам, Куропатніцьким, Чарторийським, Любомирським, Потоцьким. В 1720 році Вижняни отримали Магдебурзьке право, проте з часом втратили статус містечка, оскільки основні транспортні магістралі були прокладені повз них.
Saint Nicholas Church
Temple , Architecture
The Church of Saint Nicholas in Vyzhniany was founded in 1400, although then it was most likely still wooden.
It was rebuilt several times, in particular in 1651 and 1750. In its current form, which combines Gothic and Baroque features, it was rebuilt in 1929-1931 according to the project of architect Bronislav Viktor. The fresco was painted under the supervision of the Lviv artist Stanislav Teyseyr in 1942-1943. The remains of the organ remained in the choirs.
Currently, the temple is closed, the building needs restoration.
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