
Travel guide online Monastyrok

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Information on this page is translated from Ukrainian language automatically by machine translation and may not always accurately express the original. We nevertheless hope it will be of use to you and make it easier for you to plan your trip.

General information about Monastyrok

The village of Monastyrok on the Moshchanka River is located 10 kilometers south of Rava-Ruska. Administratively, it is part of the Dobrosynsko-Magerivska hromada of the Lviv district of the Lviv region.

The village dates back to 1720. In ancient times, there was a Basilian monastery here, which is where the name comes from. The modern Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary has a wooden bell tower, which was preserved from the old church built in 1782.

In 1911-1916, the Ukrainian writer Les Martovych lived in the village of Monastyrok, his grave is located here. In 1974, the Les Martovych Museum was opened, which is no longer active.

In the forest tract of Zaglyna, 5 kilometers from the village, there is a miraculous spring of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Село Монастирок на річці Мощанка розташоване за 10 кілометрів на південь від Рави-Руської. Адміністративно входить до складу Добросинсько-Магерівської громади Львівського району Львівської області.

Село датується 1720 роком. У давнину тут існував василіанський монастир, звідки походить назва. Сучасна церква Успіння Пресвятої Богородиці має дерев'яну дзвіницю, яка збереглася від старої церкви, збудованої в 1782 році.

У 1911-1916 роках у селі Монастирок жив український письменник Лесь Мартович, тут знаходиться його могила. У 1974 році було відкрито Музей Леся Мартовича, який нині не діє. 

В лісовому урочищі Заглина за 5 кілометрів від села знаходиться чудотворне джерело Пресвятої Діви Марії. 

Сплануй своє перебування у Monastyrok

What to see and where to go in Monastyrok

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Tourist attractions and museums of Monastyrok

Les Martovych Museum, Monastyrok
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Les Martovych Literary Museum

Museum / gallery

The Literary Museum of Les Martovych was opened in 1974 in the village of Monastyrok, where this outstanding Ukrainian writer and public figure spent the last years of his life.

Materials for the exposition were collected by activists of the Ukrainian Society for the Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments. These are mostly books of different years and other printed materials. Lviv artist Volodymyr Patyk presented the museum with a portrait of Martovych painted especially for him.

Since 2008, the Martovych Museum in Monastyrok has not been functioning. An initiative group on the restoration of the museum was created and is working.

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