
Travel guide online Shchyrets

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Information on this page is translated from Ukrainian language automatically by machine translation and may not always accurately express the original. We nevertheless hope it will be of use to you and make it easier for you to plan your trip.

General information about Shchyrets

The village of Shchyrets on the Shchyrka River is located 10 km northwest of Pustomyty.

It was first mentioned in 1113 as an ancient Rus city that had a complex system of fortifications. After the Mongol-Tatar invasion, Shchyrets was revived as a Polish town, which was granted Magdeburg rights in 1397. At the same time, the church of Saint Stanislav was founded, which later was repeatedly destroyed and rebuilt anew.

In the 14th-18th centuries, Shchyrets was owned by Polish magnates - first the Tarnovskys, then the Mnisheks, Voytanovskys. Fragments of fortifications remained from the medieval castle on Golden (Church) Hill, which later became part of the architectural complex of the Church of the Nativit ...

The village of Shchyrets on the Shchyrka River is located 10 km northwest of Pustomyty.

It was first mentioned in 1113 as an ancient Rus city that had a complex system of fortifications. After the Mongol-Tatar invasion, Shchyrets was revived as a Polish town, which was granted Magdeburg rights in 1397. At the same time, the church of Saint Stanislav was founded, which later was repeatedly destroyed and rebuilt anew.

In the 14th-18th centuries, Shchyrets was owned by Polish magnates - first the Tarnovskys, then the Mnisheks, Voytanovskys. Fragments of fortifications remained from the medieval castle on Golden (Church) Hill, which later became part of the architectural complex of the Church of the Nativity of the Holy Virgin. From the same time, the defensive Trinity Church has been preserved.

In 1772, the city, which at that time belonged to the Potocki family, became part of Austria-Hungary. In 1873, the Lviv - Stryi railway was laid through Shchyrets. At the beginning of the 19th century, the city became the property of Baron Krihshaber, whose family owned it until the end of the century.

After the Second World War, when almost the entire Jewish population was destroyed, the city was the district center for a while, then became part of another district.

Селище Щирець на річці Щирка розташоване в 10 кілометрах на північний захід від Пустомитів.

Вперше згадується в 1113 році як давньоруське місто, яке мало складну систему укріплень. Після монголо-татарської навали Щирець відродився вже як польське містечко, якому в 1397 році було надано Магдебурзьке право. Тоді ж було засновано костел Святого Станіслава, який пізніше неодноразово руйнувався і відбудовувався наново.

В XIV-XVIII століттях Щирець входив у володіння польських магнатів - спочатку Тарновських, потім Мнішеків, Войтановских. Від середньовічного замку на Золотій (Церковній) горі залишилися фрагменти фортифікацій, що увійшли пізніше в архітектурний комплекс церкви Різдва Пресвятої Богородиці. З ти ...

Селище Щирець на річці Щирка розташоване в 10 кілометрах на північний захід від Пустомитів.

Вперше згадується в 1113 році як давньоруське місто, яке мало складну систему укріплень. Після монголо-татарської навали Щирець відродився вже як польське містечко, якому в 1397 році було надано Магдебурзьке право. Тоді ж було засновано костел Святого Станіслава, який пізніше неодноразово руйнувався і відбудовувався наново.

В XIV-XVIII століттях Щирець входив у володіння польських магнатів - спочатку Тарновських, потім Мнішеків, Войтановских. Від середньовічного замку на Золотій (Церковній) горі залишилися фрагменти фортифікацій, що увійшли пізніше в архітектурний комплекс церкви Різдва Пресвятої Богородиці. З тих же часів збереглася оборонна Троїцька церква.

В 1772 році місто, що належало на той момент роду Потоцьких, увійшло до складу Австро-Угорщини. В 1873 році через Щирець було прокладено залізницю Львів - Стрий. На початку XIX століття місто перейшло у власність барона Крігсгабера, родина якого володіла ним до кінця століття.

Після Другої світової війни, коли було знищено майже все єврейське населення, місто деякий час було райцентром, потім увійшов до складу іншого району.

Сплануй своє перебування у Shchyrets

What to see and where to go in Shchyrets

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Tourist attractions and museums of Shchyrets

Holy Trinity Church, Shchyrets
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Holy Trinity Church

Temple , Architecture

The Church of the Holy Trinity in Shchyrets was founded in the 16th century. In the first half of the 19th century, it was rebuilt and acquired a modern appearance.

Composed of limestone, single-nave. The western facade is finished with a high pincer, decorated on the sides with decorative vases. Covered with a pitched roof, finished in the center with a signature. The undivided surfaces of the walls are enlivened by sparsely spaced semicircular window and door openings.

In Soviet times, the museum of atheism was located here.

The Trinity Church belongs to the few works of the Galician school of architecture of the 16th century.

The belfry is wooden, square in plan, three-tiered, frame construction, finished with a tent. It rests on a stone fence made of limestone from the south and east.

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Nativity of Holy Virgin Church, Shchyrets
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Nativity of Holy Virgin Church

Temple , Architecture

The defensive complex of the Church of the Nativity of the Holy Virgin Mary was built in the 19th century on the basis of the fortifications of Shchyrets Castle on Golden (Church) Hill.

From the 16th century, a stone and wooden belfry tower over the gate, a stone fence with loopholes and a corner defense tower have been preserved. This is one of the few preserved structures typical of Ukrainian stone architecture of the 15th and 16th centuries.

During the military operations of 1915, the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin was badly damaged - the dome was completely destroyed. It was restored in 1934 according to the project of the architect Lev Levinsky.

A monumental painting has been preserved in the interior of the temple. All buildings on Castle Hill form a single defensive-type architectural ensemble.

Map pin icon Zolotohirska Street, 25


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Saint Stanislav's Church, Shchyrets
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Saint Stanislav's Church

Temple , Architecture

The Church of Saint Stanislav was founded in Shchyrets in the 14th century, and was rebuilt in its present form in 1556.

The temple burned several times. The last restoration was carried out in 1916 according to the project of Voytsekh Brettner.

The temple is rectangular in plan, single-nave, with a three-tiered tower under a tent on the western facade. The entrance to the church is decorated with a finely crafted portal. Once there were two loopholes above the choirs, which testified to the defensive nature of the building. Opposite the main entrance is a two-story bell tower.

The Church of Saint Stanislav is an active church of the Lviv Archdiocese of the Roman Catholic Church in Ukraine.

Map pin icon Rynok Street, 12


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