
Travel guide online Drohobych

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Information on this page is translated from Ukrainian language automatically by machine translation and may not always accurately express the original. We nevertheless hope it will be of use to you and make it easier for you to plan your trip.

General information about Drohobych

Drohobych is a large city in the foothills of the Carpathians, the foundation of which dates back to the 11th century, when there was a fortified settlement Bych. It was burnt, and on the site of the conflagration there was "another Bych", which is where the name came from.

According to another version, the name is associated with the fact that the settlement arose from the "other side" of the river from the saltworks that had existed here for a long time.

From the fortifications of the times of the Galicia-Volyn principality, a defensive tower (XIII century) has survived, which later became the bell tower of the Cathedral Church of Saint Bartholomew (Ascension), built in the XIV-XVI centuries. on the ruins of the prince's tower at the behest of the P ...

Drohobych is a large city in the foothills of the Carpathians, the foundation of which dates back to the 11th century, when there was a fortified settlement Bych. It was burnt, and on the site of the conflagration there was "another Bych", which is where the name came from.

According to another version, the name is associated with the fact that the settlement arose from the "other side" of the river from the saltworks that had existed here for a long time.

From the fortifications of the times of the Galicia-Volyn principality, a defensive tower (XIII century) has survived, which later became the bell tower of the Cathedral Church of Saint Bartholomew (Ascension), built in the XIV-XVI centuries. on the ruins of the prince's tower at the behest of the Polish king Vladislav Yahaylo.

In the XIV century. the city of Drohobych was one of the centers of salt production, and since the 19th century. became the center of oil refining.

The philosopher Yuriy Kotermak, better known as Yuriy Drohobych, comes from Drohobych. Ivan Franko spent his childhood and youth here. The wooden church of Saint Yuriy (XVI-XVII centuries) with a bell tower is one of the brightest works of Galician folk architecture. In the interior there is an iconostasis (1659) and paintings of the 17th century. Now part of the exposition of the local history museum is located here.

Other attractions: the wooden church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross (17th century) with 17th century paintings. and unique icons of the 15th-18th centuries; the Church of the Holy Trinity (XVII century), the former Carmelite monastery; choral synagogue; town hall building; fragments of historical buildings.

Дрогобич - місто в передгір'ї Карпат, заснування якого відносять до XI сторіччя, коли тут існувало укріплене поселення Бич. Воно було спалено, а на місці згарища виник "другий Бич", звідки і пішла назва.

За іншою версією назва пов'язана з тим, що поселення виникло з "другого боку" річки від солеварні, яка тут існувала здавна.

З укріплень часів Галицько-Волинського князівства збереглася оборонна вежа (XIII століття), яка згодом стала дзвіницею кафедрального костелу Святого Варфоломія (Вознесіння), побудованого в XIV-XVI столітті на руїнах князівського терема з волі польського короля Владислава Ягайла.

В XIV сторіччі місто Дрогобич було одним із центрів солеваріння, а з XIX століття стало центром нафтопереробки.

Родом з Дрогобича філософ ...

Дрогобич - місто в передгір'ї Карпат, заснування якого відносять до XI сторіччя, коли тут існувало укріплене поселення Бич. Воно було спалено, а на місці згарища виник "другий Бич", звідки і пішла назва.

За іншою версією назва пов'язана з тим, що поселення виникло з "другого боку" річки від солеварні, яка тут існувала здавна.

З укріплень часів Галицько-Волинського князівства збереглася оборонна вежа (XIII століття), яка згодом стала дзвіницею кафедрального костелу Святого Варфоломія (Вознесіння), побудованого в XIV-XVI столітті на руїнах князівського терема з волі польського короля Владислава Ягайла.

В XIV сторіччі місто Дрогобич було одним із центрів солеваріння, а з XIX століття стало центром нафтопереробки.

Родом з Дрогобича філософ Юрій Котермак, більше відомий як Юрій Дрогобич. Тут пройшли дитячі та юнацькі роки Івана Франка.

Дерев'яна церква Святого Юра (XVI-XVII сторіччя) з дзвіницею - один з найяскравіших творів галицької народної архітектури. В інтер'єрі - іконостас (1659 рік) та розписи XVII століття. Зараз тут розміщена частина експозиції історико-краєзнавчого музею.

Інші пам'ятки: дерев'яна церква Воздвиження Чесного Хреста (XVII століття) з розписами XVII століття та унікальними іконами XV-XVIII століть; церква Святої Трійці (XVII століття), яка була частиною кармелітського монастиря; хоральна синагога; будівля ратуші; фрагменти історичної забудови.

Сплануй своє перебування у Drohobych

What to see and where to go in Drohobych

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Tourist attractions and museums of Drohobych

Saint Bartholomew Church, Drohobych
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Saint Apostle Bartholomew Church

Temple , Architecture

The Roman Catholic Church of Saint Bartholomew was founded in Drohobych in 1392 by the Polish king Vladyslav II Yahaylo, but it was consecrated only in 1511.

The massive Gothic building of the church was built on the basis of the princely palace of the Galicia-Volyn principality. A powerful defense tower located nearby, which was part of the city fortifications on Castle Hill, began to serve as the bell of the church. Over the centuries, the building was rebuilt several times.

In Soviet times, the church premises were used as a warehouse. In 1989, the temple was returned to the Roman Catholic community of the city.

Gothic white stone portals, wall paintings and stained-glass windows of the 19th century based on drawings by famous artists Yan Mateyko, Stanislav Vyspyansky and Yuzef Mehoffer have been preserved in the interiors.

The walls are reinforced with buttresses. On the northern wall of the church there are unusual white stone reliefs - three windows depicting a palm, foot and head in a papal tiara. Some sources call them symbols of Catholic rule, others consider these symbols to be pagan.

The marble decoration of the door with two swords reminds of the inhabitants of the city who died in the Battle of Grunwald.

Map pin icon Danyla Halytskoho Street, 8 (Zamkova Hora Square)


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Saint George's Church, Drohobych
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Saint George's Church

Temple , Museum / gallery , UNESCO world heritage site

The wooden Saint George's Church in Drohobych is one of the most striking works of Galician folk architecture.

Included in the UNESCO World Heritage List in the category "Wooden Churches of the Carpathian Region of Ukraine". Belongs to the end of the 15th - beginning of the 16th century.

The Church of Saint George was brought to Drohobych from the Carpathian village of Nadiiv in 1656 and erected on the site of its burnt predecessor. A bell tower was built in 1678. The interior is painted with wonderful frescoes by Stefan Medytsky, the ancient carved iconostasis has been preserved.

The church was renovated several times, but did not lose its original appearance. Currently, part of the exposition of the historical and local history museum is located here. The rest of the exposition is located in the nearby wooden church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross (1613)

Map pin icon Solony stavok Street, 23A


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County Court, Drogobych
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"Prison on Stryiska" Museum (County Court)


The historical and memorial complex "Prison on Stryiska" was opened in 2013 in the former torture chamber of the NKVD, which was located in the inner courtyard of the District Court building in Drohobych.

During the Second World War and in the first years of the Soviet occupation, at least 1,200 residents of Drohobychchyna were tortured and shot here.

The former building of the Imperial District Court in Drohobych is one of the most beautiful in Drohobych, but at the same time it is a symbol of totalitarianism and repression of the four occupation regimes. The three-story building in the historicist style was erected at the beginning of the 20th century, becoming one of the largest courts in Galicia. In addition to 20 judges, there was a court office and a temporary prison. In the interwar period, the Polish authorities placed a city court here.

The same premises were also used as a court during the German occupation of 1941-1944. But the most terrible glory of the "Drohobych torture house" was acquired in the years 1939-1941 and 1944-1959, when the Drohobych Directorate of the NKVD was located here with an internal prison, where local residents were tortured and shot en masse.

Currently, it is the building of the Institute of Physics, Mathematics, Economics and Innovative Technologies of the Drohobych State Pedagogical University.

In 2013, on the site of the former torture chamber, the memorial "Prison on Stryiska" was created according to the project of Drohobych architect Maksym Chirka, and a museum, which is a subdivision of the Drohobychchyna Museum, was opened.

The exhibition tells about Stalin's terror and repression in the western Ukrainian lands: the occupation and establishment of Soviet power in Drohobych region, the creation of Drohobych region, the repression of the NKVD-NKGB in Drohobych region. A photo-martyrologist of NKVD-NKGB victims is presented. The review of the personal belongings of the tortured, instruments of murder and torture, found during the research of the territory of the former torture chamber, causes special excitement.

Map pin icon Stryiska Street, 3


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Basilian Monastery, Drohobych
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Basilian Monastery of Holy Apostles Peter and Paul

Temple , Architecture

The Basilian Monastery of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul in Drohobych is one of the best examples of sacred architecture in the city of the 19th century.

The monastery was founded in 1775. The current complex was built in 1828 on the initiative of hegumenYosafat Kachanovsky, after the old wooden Peter and Paul monastery of the Basilian fathers burned down.

During the Soviet rule, the monastery was closed, many monks were tortured in the torture chambers of the NKVD.

Since 1992, the Basilian Monastery of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul in Drohobych has been operating again.

Map pin icon Stryiska Street, 1


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Burgomaster's Villa, Drohobych
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Burgomaster's Villa


The villa of Burgomaster Reymond Yarosh, who ruled Drohobych from 1909 until the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, is the decoration of Tarasa Shevchenko Street (former Panska Street).

A two-story house in the style of Viennese secession, richly decorated with stucco, built in the late 19th and early 20th centuries by entrepreneurs Shpitsman , local oil magnates. When the Shpitsman left Drohobych, located on the most prestigious street of the city, on the eve of the First World War, the villa was bought from them by burgomaster Reymond Yarosh.

In the period between the First and Second World Wars, Yarosh not only contributed to the strengthening of the economy of Drohobych, but also initiated the rapid development of the resort of Truskavets.

Until recently, Yarosh's villa was used as a city palace for schoolchildren. Currently, the dean's office and classrooms of the Faculty of Biology of the DrohobychState Pedagogical University are located here.

Map pin icon Tarasa Shevchenko Street, 23


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