The village of Zhukiv on the Zolota Lypa River is located 10 kilometers north of Berezhany.
It was first mentioned in 1420 as the property of Yan Labont. At the same time, Zhukiv received Magdeburg law. Later it belonged to Senyavskyi.
The wooden church of John the Baptist, built in 1873, has been preserved. Sylvester Lepky, the father of the writer Bohdan Lepky, worked here as a priest. It is known that Zhukiv was visited by Ivan Franko, Andryi Chaykovskyi and other literary figures. In 1991, the first monument to Bohdan Lepkyi was erected in the village.
Now Zhukiv is known among fishermen due to good fishing on the local lake.
Село Жуків на річці Золота Липа розташоване в 10 кілометрах на північ від Бережан.
Вперше згадується в 1420 році як власність Яна Лабонти. Тоді ж Жуків отримав Магдебурзьке право. Пізніше належав Сенявським.
Збереглася дерев'яна церква Іоанна Богослова, збудована в 1873 році. Тут працював священиком Сильвестр Лепкий, батько письменника Богдана Лепкого. Відомо, що Жуків відвідували Іван Франко, Андрій Чайковський та інші літературні діячі. В 1991 році в селі встановлено перший пам'ятник Богданові Лепкому.
Зараз Жуків відомий серед рибалок завдяки гарній риболовлі на місцевому озері.
Holy Apostle John the Theologian Church
Temple , Architecture
The wooden church of the Holy Apostle John Theologian is the main attraction of Zhukiv.
The temple on one of the village hills was built in 1873 (according to other sources - in 1803). It was transported to Zhukiv from Naraiv, where it was originally built. The inscriptions "Zhukiv 1928" and "Shumlyany 1928" are embossed on the tin on the domes above the nativity scene and the altar. It is possible that it was in 1928 that the tin covering of the temple was installed and the inscriptions were made.
Next to the church of the Holy Apostle John the Theologian there is an old wooden bell tower, very impressive and small-bellied, which is typical for bell towers of those times and is not characteristic of modern churches.
Lepky Family Museum
Museum / gallery
The People`s Lepky Family Museum was opened in the village of Zhukiv next to the previously erected monument to Bohdan Lepky in 1995 on the initiative of a local teacher, local historian and composer Vasyl Podufalyi with the help of the Lepky family from the USA.
The Lepky family annually conducted cultural and educational activities in the Berezhany region, in particular in Zhukiv, where they lived from 1891 to 1901.
The five exhibition halls of the museum present unique exhibits about the Lepky family, the sons of Father Sylvester Bohdan, Mykola, Levko and other family members.
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