
Travel guide online Selezivka

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General information about Selezivka

The deaf Polissya village of Selezivka on the Bolotnytsia River is located in the middle of forests and swamps 60 kilometers west of Ovruch, not far from the Belarusian border.

It was first mentioned in 1039. According to old-timers' stories, in the 19th century, Selezivka was a small settlement with a water mill and an inn, where residents of distant farms spent the night on their way to the fair in Slovechno.

Now the central manor of the Polissya Nature Reserve is located in Selezivka. A museum of sacred Drevlyan stones and an ethnographic museum in a wooden Polissya hut have been created on the territory of the manor. A functioning water mill has been recreated.

Глухе поліське село Селезівка на річці Болотниця розташоване посеред лісів і боліт в 60 кілометрах на захід від Овруча, недалеко від білоруського кордону.

Вперше згадується в 1039 році. За переказами старожилів, у XIX столітті слобода Селезівка була маленьким поселенням з водяним млином і корчмою, в якій жителі далеких хуторів ночували по дорозі на ярмарок до Словечна.

Зараз в Селезівці розташована центральна садиба Поліського природного заповідника. На території садиби створено музей священних древлянських каменів і етнографічний музей в дерев'яній поліської хати. Відтворено діючий водяний млин.

Сплануй своє перебування у Selezivka

What to see and where to go in Selezivka

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Tourist attractions and museums of Selezivka

Polissya Reserve, Selezivka
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Polissya Nature Reserve

Museum / gallery , Reserve

Polissya nature reserve in the upper reaches of the river. Ubort protects more than 20,000 hectares of marshy forests, typical for the nature of Polissya.

The flora of the Polissya Reserve includes 604 species of higher plants, 139 species of mosses, many lichens, mushrooms and algae. 17 species are listed in the Red Book of Ukraine. Rhododendron from the heather family is especially valuable.

Elk, red deer, wild boar, roe deer, muskrat, beaver, otter, wolf, fox, ferret, weasel and others are found in the forest. Sometimes a lynx and a bear are spotted.

The central estate of the Polissya Nature Reserve is located in the village of Selezivka. Tourists can visit the reserve's visitor center, where materials related to its activities are presented. A museum of sacred Drevlyan stones has been created on the territory of the manor: Stone-Throne, Ark, Stone-Love, tracer stones, Stone of the Virgin's tears, sacrificial stone.

The water mill was reconstructed (the log was brought from the resettled village of Dalety). The pagan sanctuary of the city of Nore with 12 stones, a dugout, a winter smokehouse has been restored.

In the museum "Drevlyanske selo" an ethnographic exposition is presented on the basis of a wooden Polissya hut.

Visitors are offered to live in a restored house with a real furnace, to learn about iron smelting from bog ore. A number of tourist water, pedestrian and automobile routes have been created on the outskirts of the Polissya Reserve with visits to holy springs, hundred-year-old oaks, Old Believer sanctuaries and ancient burials (stone crosses).

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