
Travel guide online Chopovychi

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General information about Chopovychi

The large village of Chopovychi on the Irsha River is located between Malyn and Korosten, 5 kilometers south of the international highway M-07 (E-373) "Kyiv - Kovel".

It was founded at the junction of the 15th and 16th centuries by the Rus-Lithuanian noble Hnat Chop, from whose surname it got its name. His descendants, the Chopovski, owned these lands until the 19th century. The wooden Trinity Church (XIX-XX centuries) has been preserved, which is decorated with sculptures by Sysoy Shalmatov.

In the "Kipyache" tract, not far from Chopovychi, there is the Kipyache Men's Monastery of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God.

Велике селище Чоповичі на річці Ірша розташоване між Малином і Коростенем, в 5 кілометрах на південь від міжнародної траси М-07 (Е-373) "Київ - Ковель".

Засноване на стику XV і XVI століть русько-литовським шляхтичем Гнатом Чопом, від прізвища якого і отримало назву. Його нащадки Чоповські володіли цими землями до XIX століття. Збереглася дерев'яна Троїцька церква (XIX-XX століття), яку прикрашають скульптури Сисоя Шалматова.

В урочищі "Кип'яче" неподалік від Чоповичів розташований Кіп'ячівський чоловічий монастир Казанської ікони Божої Матері.

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What to see and where to go in Chopovychi

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Kypyache Monastery, Chopovychi
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Kypyache Monastery


The Kypyache Monastery of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God was founded in 1917 in the Kypyache tract on the right bank of the Irsha River near Chopovychi.

According to legend, in 1911 there was a fiery icon of the Kazan Mother of God, and the water of the local spring boiled and became healing. Initially, the monastery was named in honor of the Transfiguration of the Lord, and the people called it the Kypyache monastery.

The monastery lasted only 17 years and was closed by the Bolsheviks, the wooden Kazan church was dismantled. The Kypyache Men's Monastery of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God was restored in 2002. The temple of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, the monastery building, the spring and the bathhouse have been restored.

After the opening of the men's monastery, several women began to live nearby, choosing the monastic life. In 2002, the development of the female stauropygial monastery in honor of the Athos icon of the Mother of God begins, the temple is laid on twelve Athos stones brought from the holy mountain. Today, the church in honor of the Athos icon of the Mother of God has several unique shrines - it is a part of the girdle of the Mother of God, the relics of 24 elders from Athos, the miraculous icon of Three Hands.

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