Horokholyn Lis

Travel guide online Horokholyn Lis

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General information about Horokholyn Lis

The village of Horokholyn Lis is located near the source of the Horokholyna River, next to the Ivano-Frankivsk - Nadvirna highway.

It arose as a hamlet in the forest not far from the village of Horokholyna, hence the name. There are still village yards scattered at great distances between forest groves.

In 1943, a wooden church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary was built in the Horokholyn Lis, which later served as a set for the Soviet film "Vii" based on the mystical novel by Mykola Hohol. In 2008, a new stone church was built in place of the burned Assumption Church.

Село Горохолин Ліс розташоване біля витоків річки Горохолина поруч з трасою Івано-Франківськ - Надвірна.

Виникло як хутір у лісі неподалік від села Горохолина, з чим і пов'язана назва. До сих пір є розкидані на великій відстані одне від одного сільські двори між лісовими гаями.

В 1943 році в Горохолиному Лісі була побудована дерев'яна церква Успіння Пресвятої Богородиці, яка згодом послужила декорацією до радянського кінофільму "Вій" за містичною повістю Миколи Гоголя. В 2008 році замість згорілої Успенської церкви було збудовано новий кам'яний храм.

What to see and where to go in Horokholyn Lis

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Tourist attractions and museums of Horokholyn Lis

Nativity of Virgin Church, Horokholyn Lis
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Nativity of Holy Virgin Church


The Church of the Nativity of the Holy Virgin in the village of Horokholyn Lis was built in 2008 on the site of the burnt-out wooden church of the Assumption of the Virgin, founded in 1943.

The old Assumption Church, which was transformed by the communists into a museum of atheism, became famous due to the fact that it served as the scenery for the location filming of the movie "Viy" based on the mystical novel by Mykola Hohol (it can be seen in the scene of the funeral procession). In 2006, the church burned down. According to the official version, the fire was caused by a violation of the rules for the installation and operation of the electrical network, however, local residents believe that the old church was defiled by the filming of a film about evil spirits (a similar fate befell another church, where "Viy" was also filmed - in Sedniv, Chernihiv Region).

Perhaps that is why they decided not to restore the wooden church that burned down in its original form, but instead built a new church of the Nativity of the Holy Virgin made of red brick.

Map pin icon Vyacheslava Chornovola Street, 772A


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Geographical information about Horokholyn Lis

Administrative status village
Founded / first mentioned XVII
Latitude 48.729282
Longitude 24.507936
Population 663
Postal codes 77761
