The industrial village of Rozhniativ is located on the Duba River between Kalush and Dolyna, the center of oil production. It has been known since the 12th century as Stare Selo (this toponym has been preserved for a part of the village to the present day).
The foundation of the first defensive castle in Rozhniativ dates back to the 15th century. For some time, the city was owned by the Amber nobles of Benoe, and in 1735 it passed into the possession of the Skarbek (Skarbko) count family. Count Rafal Skarbek rebuilt the castle in the Gothic style (now it is the UBS building).
In 1785, Rozhniativ officially received Magdeburg law. At the same time, a large Jewish community settled here, which was reflected in the architecture. A large Jewish cemetery has been preserved. By th ...
The industrial village of Rozhniativ is located on the Duba River between Kalush and Dolyna, the center of oil production. It has been known since the 12th century as Stare Selo (this toponym has been preserved for a part of the village to the present day).
The foundation of the first defensive castle in Rozhniativ dates back to the 15th century. For some time, the city was owned by the Amber nobles of Benoe, and in 1735 it passed into the possession of the Skarbek (Skarbko) count family. Count Rafal Skarbek rebuilt the castle in the Gothic style (now it is the UBS building).
In 1785, Rozhniativ officially received Magdeburg law. At the same time, a large Jewish community settled here, which was reflected in the architecture. A large Jewish cemetery has been preserved. By the middle of the 19th century, Rozhniativ became a significant economic center of Boykivshchyna.
In the 1950s, an oil field was discovered in the vicinity of the village, which contributed to the development of industry.
Промислове селище Рожнятів розташоване на річці Дуба між Калушем і Долиною, центр нафтовидобутку. Відоме з XII сторіччя як Старе Село (цей топонім зберігся за частиною селища до нинішнього часу).
До XV століття відносять заснування першого оборонного замку в Рожнятові. Деякий час місто було у власності бурштинських шляхтичів Беное, а в 1735 році перейшло у володіння графського роду Скарбеків (Скарбко). Граф Рафал Скарбек перебудував замок у готичному стилі (зараз - будівля УВС).
В 1785 році Рожнятів офіційно отримав Магдебурзьке право. В цей же час тут осіла велика єврейська громада, що відбилося на архітектурі. Збереглося велике єврейське кладовище. До середини XIX століття Рожнятів став значним економічним центром Бойківщини.
В 1950-х роках в околицях селища виявили ...
Промислове селище Рожнятів розташоване на річці Дуба між Калушем і Долиною, центр нафтовидобутку. Відоме з XII сторіччя як Старе Село (цей топонім зберігся за частиною селища до нинішнього часу).
До XV століття відносять заснування першого оборонного замку в Рожнятові. Деякий час місто було у власності бурштинських шляхтичів Беное, а в 1735 році перейшло у володіння графського роду Скарбеків (Скарбко). Граф Рафал Скарбек перебудував замок у готичному стилі (зараз - будівля УВС).
В 1785 році Рожнятів офіційно отримав Магдебурзьке право. В цей же час тут осіла велика єврейська громада, що відбилося на архітектурі. Збереглося велике єврейське кладовище. До середини XIX століття Рожнятів став значним економічним центром Бойківщини.
В 1950-х роках в околицях селища виявили родовище нафти, що посприяло розвитку промисловості.
Skarbek Castle
Castle / fortress , Palace / manor , Architecture
Count Skarbek's castle (Skarbko) in Rozhniativ can be considered a tourist attraction only with a great stretch, since almost nothing remains from its medieval history in appearance.
Probably, the first castle in Rozhniativ was built in the 15th century. It had two towers and a defensive moat. In the 18th century, Count Rafayil Skarbek of the coat of arms "Abdank", who received these lands as a dowry for his wife Yuliya Mahdalena Benoe, rebuilt the castle in the neo-Gothic style, turning it into a grand magnate's residence.
Later, the district court and the police department were located in the castle premises. During Soviet times, the building was almost completely rebuilt once again. Only the decoration of the hexagonal corner tower has survived from the neo-Gothic decor. Currently, the building houses a branch of the National Police of Ukraine.
Local Lore Museum "Boykivshchyna"
Museum / gallery
Rozhniativ Local Lore Museum "Boykivshchyna" is located in an ancient building built in Rozhniativ by the Ukrainian count Dumka at the beginning of the 20th century.
In Soviet times, there was a court here, then a museum of the artist Volodymyr Kharchenko.
Currently, the museum exhibits about 400 objects that acquaint visitors with the history of the region over the past two millennia, folk household and sacred art of Boyko region, and the lives of prominent people.
Part of the collection of paintings by the artist Volodymyr Kharchenko is kept in the museum.
Nativity of Christ Church
Temple , Architecture
The large wooden Church of the Nativity of Christ is located in the center of Rozhniativ.
Built in 1900.
Although the temple is considered an architectural monument of local importance, now it is covered with plastic lining, which has lost its authentic appearance.
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