
Travel guide online Hradyzk

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General information about Hradyzk

The "fishing" town of Hradizk is located on the left bank of the Kremenchuk Reservoir, 30 kilometers northwest of Kremenchuk. Administratively, it is part of the Kremenchuk District of Poltava Region.

Officially, Hradizk was founded in 1789, although before that, there was a settlement called Horodyshche on this site, which arose in the 16th century next to the Pyvohirsk Monastery. The monastery was located on Mount Pyvykha, which is considered the highest point on the left bank of the Dnieper (168 meters).

The busy highway N-08 Kyiv - Dnipropetrovsk passes through Hradizk. The famous Hradizk fish market is located near the road, which spontaneously formed due to the developed fishing industry.

"Рибне" селище Градизьк розташоване на лівому березі Кременчуцького водосховища, за 30 кілометрів на північний захід від Кременчука. Адміністративно входить до складу Кременчуцького району Полтавської області.

Офіційно Градизьк засновано в 1789 році, хоча до нього на цьому місці існувало поселення Городище, яке виникло в XVI столітті поряд із Пивогорським монастирем. Монастир знаходився на горі Пивиха, яка вважається найвищою точкою лівого берега Дніпра (168 метрів).

Через Градизьк проходить жвава траса Н-08 Київ – Дніпропетровськ. Біля дороги розташований знаменитий Градизький рибний базар, що стихійно склався завдяки розвиненому рибному промислу.

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What to see and where to go in Hradyzk

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Tourist attractions and museums of Hradyzk

Fish Market, Hradyzk
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Fish Market


The Hradyzk roadside fish market spontaneously formed opposite the bus station of the Hradyzk village on the N-08 Kyiv-Dnipro highway thanks to the developed fishing industry in the Kremenchuk Reservoir.

Fresh, dried, dried and smoked Dnipro fish are sold at the Hradyzk market: zander, bream, catfish, pike and others.

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Oleksandr Bilash Museum, Hradyzk
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Oleksandr Bilash Literary and Memorial Museum

Museum / gallery

The Museum of Hero of Ukraine Oleksandr Bilash was founded in 2004 in his native Hradyzk - in the premises of the Hradyzk Gymnasium, which bears the name of this outstanding Ukrainian composer. The initiator of the creation of the museum was the director of the educational institution Alla Salimon.

The exhibition presents items of Oleksandr Bilash's musical and literary heritage, which have historical and artistic value. In particular, the composer's daughter Olesia Bilash donated his personal belongings, awards, collections of poems, musical works, and gifts to the museum.

Currently, the museum has over 500 exhibits, which are placed in seven exhibition sections: "Childhood of Oleksandr Bilash", "Education of the future composer and poet", "Beginning of literary activity", "The flowering of creative talent and cooperation with outstanding figures of culture and art of Ukraine", "Poetic achievements", "Family roots and family of Oleksandr Bilash", "Last years of life".

In the courtyard of the gymnasium in 2012, a bust of Oleksandr Bilash was installed.

Map pin icon Heroyiv Dnipra Street, 91/1


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Pyvykha Mountain, Hradyzk
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Pyvykha Mountain

Natural object

Pyvykha Mountain in Hradyzk on the banks of the Kremenchuk Reservoir is considered the highest point on the left bank of the Dnieper or the Dnieper Lowland (168 meters). It is sometimes mistakenly called the highest point of Left-Bank Ukraine.

It arose as a result of the onset of continental ice during the Ice Age. There are outcrops of blue marl - a rare highly calcareous clay used in construction.

It is believed that the name of the mountain is connected with the settlement that existed here in ancient times, which belonged to the boyars Pyva.

In the 16th century, the Pyvohorsky Monastery was founded, near which the settlement of Horodyshche, and later the present Hradyzk, arose.

After the construction of the Kremenchuk Reservoir, Mount Pyvykha is gradually collapsing. It is a historical and geological reserve.

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