The Myrhorod resort on the Khorol River is known as a historical town and balneological resort.
There is an opinion that during the times of Kyivan Rus, there was a guard post here, where peace negotiations between neighboring tribes were held, hence the name.
The first documentary mentions of Myrhorod belong to the XV-XVI centuries. In 1530, the city received the right of Magdeburg, in Cossack times it was a regimental center, the Myrhorod fortress existed until the 18th century (the Square of Cossack Glory with a monument to the Cossacks was demolished in its place).
Myrhorod city life of the 19th century is reflected in the works of Mykola Hohol, monuments to the writer are erected in front of the railway station building and near the famous "Myrhorod Puddle&qu ...
The Myrhorod resort on the Khorol River is known as a historical town and balneological resort.
There is an opinion that during the times of Kyivan Rus, there was a guard post here, where peace negotiations between neighboring tribes were held, hence the name.
The first documentary mentions of Myrhorod belong to the XV-XVI centuries. In 1530, the city received the right of Magdeburg, in Cossack times it was a regimental center, the Myrhorod fortress existed until the 18th century (the Square of Cossack Glory with a monument to the Cossacks was demolished in its place).
Myrhorod city life of the 19th century is reflected in the works of Mykola Hohol, monuments to the writer are erected in front of the railway station building and near the famous "Myrhorod Puddle" - a swan pond in the center of the city. The pond is surrounded by sculptures of Hohol's characters.
As a resort, Myrhorod began to develop after the zemstvo doctor Ivan Zubkovskyi proved the healing properties of Myrhorod mineral water (a monument to the founder of the Myrhorod resort was erected). In 1917, the first water clinic that used the healing properties of "Myrhorodska" mineral water was opened (the building has not been preserved).
The resort area with sanatoriums, water pumps and a beach area on the Khorol River is located in the central part of the city. In the summer, the resort park smells of flowers and refreshes those who are resting with the coolness of the fountains.
A monument to the Georgian poet Davyd Guramishvili, who lived and worked in Myrhorod in the 18th century, was erected.
Myrhorod City Day is celebrated on September 18.
Курорт Миргород на річці Хорол відомий як історичне місто та бальнеологічний курорт.
Існує думка, що за часів Київської Русі тут знаходився сторожовий пункт, де проводилися мирні переговори між сусідніми племенами, звідки й пішла назва.
Перші документальні згадки про Миргород належать до XV-XVI століть. У 1530 році місто отримало Магдебурзьке право, в козацькі часи воно було полковим центром, миргородська фортеця проіснувала до XVIII століття (на її місці розбитий Сквер козацької слави з пам'ятником козакам).
Міський побут Миргорода XIX століття відображений у творчості Миколи Гоголя, пам'ятники письменникові встановлені перед будівлею залізничного вокзалу та біля знаменитої "Миргородської калюжі" - лебединого ставка в центрі міста. Ставок оточують ск ...
Курорт Миргород на річці Хорол відомий як історичне місто та бальнеологічний курорт.
Існує думка, що за часів Київської Русі тут знаходився сторожовий пункт, де проводилися мирні переговори між сусідніми племенами, звідки й пішла назва.
Перші документальні згадки про Миргород належать до XV-XVI століть. У 1530 році місто отримало Магдебурзьке право, в козацькі часи воно було полковим центром, миргородська фортеця проіснувала до XVIII століття (на її місці розбитий Сквер козацької слави з пам'ятником козакам).
Міський побут Миргорода XIX століття відображений у творчості Миколи Гоголя, пам'ятники письменникові встановлені перед будівлею залізничного вокзалу та біля знаменитої "Миргородської калюжі" - лебединого ставка в центрі міста. Ставок оточують скульптури персонажів Гоголя.
Як курорт Миргород почав розвиватися після того як земський лікар Іван Зубковський довів лікувальні властивості миргородської мінеральної води (встановлений пам'ятник засновнику Миргородського курорту). У 1917 році була відкрита перша водолікарня, що використала цілющі властивості мінеральної води "Миргородська" (будинок не зберігся).
Курортна зона з санаторіями, бюветами та пляжною зоною на річці Хорол розташована в центральній частині міста. Курортний парк влітку пахне квітами та освіжає відпочиваючих прохолодою фонтанів.
Встановлено пам'ятник грузинському поетові Давиду Гурамішвілі, що жив і працював в Миргороді в XVIII столітті.
День міста Миргорода відзначають 18 вересня.
Ceramics Museum
Museum / gallery
The Myrhorod State Ceramic Technical School was founded in 1896 as an art and industrial school named after Mykola Hohol, which graduated masters in the production of pottery, terracotta, majolica, porcelain and earthenware products.
The main body is made in the style of the French Renaissance.
In 1992, the young Kateryna Bilokur, a future famous folk artist, tried to enter the Myrhorod Technical School of Ceramics, but was not accepted due to lack of secondary education.
Currently, it is the Mykola Hohol Art and Industrial College of Myrhorod.
The museum exhibition has existed at the school since its foundation. The exhibition was based on 20 copies of famous sculptures by Falcone, Adamson, Pimenov and others. A unique majolica iconostasis (1902) from Myrhorod Holy Assumption Cathedral is kept here.
City Council
The building of the Myrhorod City Council in the center of the city was built in 1912. Architecture in the Art Nouveau style.
Currently, the Myrhorod District State Administration is located in the City Council building.
David Guramishvili Literary Memorial Museum
Museum / gallery
The Literary and Memorial Museum of David Guramishvili tells about the life and work of the great Georgian poet of the 18th century.
The classic of Georgian literature, who lived in Myrhorod for the last 32 years of his life, wrote about contemporary Georgia, Ukraine and, of course, Myrhorod region.
Guramishvili wrote his famous works on Ukrainian soil: many of them merged Georgian and Ukrainian landscapes, alternated poems based on Ukrainian and Russian songs. His poems were widely translated into Russian (Mykola Zabolotsky and others) and Ukrainian (Mykola Bazhan).
Guramishvili died in 1792 and was buried in the Myrhorod Ascension Church. In 1949, a monument was erected on the poet's grave.
The museum presents editions of the poet's works and books about him, Georgian and Ukrainian items of folk life of the past centuries, samples of 18th century weapons, works of fine and decorative and applied art, products of local craftsmen, Georgian souvenirs, etc.
Holy Dormition Cathedral
Temple , Architecture
The Holy Dormition Cathedral in Myrhorod is the oldest religious building in the city.
It was built in 1887 on the site of a wooden temple founded in 1648 by the Cossack colonel Matviy Hladky. The temple in the style of classicism was painted by students of Viktor Vasnetsov.
The altar part was decorated with a unique ceramic iconostasis made at the Myrhorod School of Arts and Crafts (now the Myrhorod Ceramic Technical College) - its fragment is exhibited in the technical College museum.
During Soviet times, the Dormition Church was closed, and it fell into disrepair over the years.
In 1998, the cathedral was reconstructed, a belfry was built, and bells were installed (their ringing is considered therapeutic). Now the interior is decorated with modern paintings by Volodymyr Tkachenko.
Ivan Zubkovsky Monument
The monument to Ivan Zubkovsky, the founder of the Myrhorod resort, was opened in 1998 for the 150th anniversary of his birth.
Doctor and public figure Ivan Zubkovsky researched and proved the healing value of Myrhorod mineral water, thanks to which in 1917 the first water hospital with 5 baths was opened in Myrhorod.
The monument to the work of the architect Serhiy Ruskykh and the artist Mykola Tsys is a bas-relief with the inscription: "To the founder of the Myrhorod resort, the zemstvo doctor, a public figure from grateful countrymen."
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