Vylkove is a city in the Danube Delta, "Ukrainian Venice".
It was founded in 1746 by Old Believers fleeing the persecution of the Orthodox Church (a monument to the founder is located on the pier).
It is located on numerous artificial canals and straits that form water streets (yereki). The main form of transport is boats.
It is the center of the Danube Biosphere Reserve. Excursions are organized from the quay to the canals of the old city, to the Danube canals, to "zero kilometer" (the place where the Danube flows into the Black Sea), to the islands of the Old Believers. The Old Believer Church of the Nativity of the Holy Virgin (1850) has been preserved.
Вилкове - місто в дельті Дунаю, "Українська Венеція".
Засноване в 1746 році старовірами, що рятувалися від переслідування православної церкви (пам'ятник засновнику встановлений на причалі).
Розташоване на численних штучних каналах і протоках, що утворюють водні вулиці (єреки). Основний вид транспорту - човни.
Є центром Дунайського біосферного заповідника. Від причалу організовують екскурсії єриками старого міста, в дунайські плавні, на "нульовий кілометр" (місце впадання Дунаю в Чорне море), на острови старовірів. Зберігся старообрядницький храм Різдва Пресвятої Богородиці (1850 рік).
Danube Biosphere Reserve
Natural object , Reserve , Visitor center
The Danube floodplains are a unique ecosystem where you can meet 563 species of various plants and more than 200 species of birds.
The territory of the Danube Biosphere Reserve includes delta islands upstream and downstream of the Danube, flowing north along the Danube, delta lakes and a two-kilometer strip of marine water along the coast.
Rafts are available for excursion trips organized by the Danube Biosphere reserve administration, as well as numerous private carriers. Popular excursions to water lilies, to the "Zero Kilometer" (where the Danube meets the Black Sea) and to the islands of the Old Believers with a treat of Danube fish soup and homemade Novak wine.
The information and tourist center of the Danube Biosphere Reserve is located near the Nativity of Holy Virgin Church (the so-called "second church"). There is a museum at the visitor center.
Lypovan Monument (Old Believer)
A monument to the legendary founder of the village of Lypovanske, from which the modern Vylkove originates, was installed on the city pier for the 250th anniversary of the city.
It was founded in the 18th century by Orthodox Old Believers from Lypovans who were hiding from the persecution of the reformed Russian Orthodox Church. It is believed that the traditions of seafaring in Vylkove were laid down by fugitive Zaporozhian Cossacks who also settled here.
The monument of the work of the Odesa sculptor Oleksandr Tokarev depicts a plastered pioneer with a cross in his hands, descending to the shore from a boat. The sculpture is installed near the wharf, from which excursions along the Vylkove canals and the Danube floodplains usually depart.
Nativity of Holy Virgin Church
Temple , Architecture
The Old Believer Church of the Nativity of the Holy Virgin in Vylkove was built in 1854-1857.
According to legend, the temple stands on the site of the first wooden church, which was built in the 18th century by the Old Believers who moved to these regions, Lypovans. The bell tower with a height of 32 meters was added 19 years after the construction of the main building.
In 1954, the church was closed, in 1980 part of the building burned down. In the 1990s, the revival of the church began. The bell tower offers a wonderful panorama of the city, the river and the canals.
Nicholas Church
Temple , Architecture
Nicholas church - a new Old Believer church, built at the beginning of the 20th century on the territory of the village of Novo-Vylkove, on the island of Kalymbeika.
The church is clearly visible from the Danube and is admired by all who come to the city by water. The light and dark blue colors of the walls against the background of the sky create a floating effect.
The interior decoration corresponds to Lipovan traditions - the church is divided into men's and women's halves, benches are provided only for elderly and sick people.
Oleksandr Sharonov Local Lore Museum
Museum / gallery
The author's historical and local lore museum was created in Vylkove by the artist Oleksandr Sharonov in 2002. The museum is located in the city center.
The exposition was based on 54 artistic canvases of the artist, as well as icons, household items of the Old Believers and other peoples who lived on the territory of Bessarabia (Antians, Goths, Greeks, Scythians, Romans, Turks and others).
The museum exhibits weapons from the times of Transdanubian Sich, Russian-Turkish wars, and World War II.
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