The ancient Polissya village of Nemovychi is located on the left bank of the Sluch River, 5 kilometers south of Sarny.
In the XI-XIII centuries there was a Slavic settlement here. For the first time, Nemovychi were mentioned in 1533, they belonged then to the Dubrovytskyi-Olshanskyi princes. According to legend, the first settler was a mute, hence the name ("Nemovych" - the son of a mute).
During the Liberation War, Cossack colonel Ivan Bohun visited Nemovychi. In 1859, a peasant uprising took place here.
In the 19th and 20th centuries, the village belonged to Count Plyatter, then to the landowner Severyn Kashovskyi, and the last owner was Oleksandr Menhden.
The church of Saint Para ...
The ancient Polissya village of Nemovychi is located on the left bank of the Sluch River, 5 kilometers south of Sarny.
In the XI-XIII centuries there was a Slavic settlement here. For the first time, Nemovychi were mentioned in 1533, they belonged then to the Dubrovytskyi-Olshanskyi princes. According to legend, the first settler was a mute, hence the name ("Nemovych" - the son of a mute).
During the Liberation War, Cossack colonel Ivan Bohun visited Nemovychi. In 1859, a peasant uprising took place here.
In the 19th and 20th centuries, the village belonged to Count Plyatter, then to the landowner Severyn Kashovskyi, and the last owner was Oleksandr Menhden.
The church of Saint Paraskeva (1881) has been preserved.
Старовинне поліське село Немовичі розташоване на лівому березі річки Случ в 5 кілометрах на південь від Сарн.
В XI-XIII сторіччях тут існувало слов'янське поселення. Вперше Немовичі згадуються в 1533 році, належали тоді князям Дубровицьким-Ольшанським. За легендою, перший поселенець був німим, звідки і пішла назва ( "немович" - син німого).
Під час Визвольної війни в Немовичах побував козацький полковник Іван Богун. В 1859 році тут відбулося селянське повстання.
В XIX-XX століттях село належало графу Пляттеру, потім поміщику Северину Кашовському, а останнім власником був Олександр Менгден.
Збереглася церква Святої Параскеви (1881 рік).
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