
Travel guide online Vyhraiv

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General information about Vyhraiv

The village of Vyhraiv is located 10 kilometers northwest of Korsun-Shevchenkivskyi.

The settlement was known in the 12th century as Horokhova Dibrova. The current name is connected with the fact that in these places in 1648, Hetman Bohdan Khmelnytskyi won the Battle of Korsun with the Polish army of Hetman Mykola Potoski, imposing on the Poles a battle on rough terrain that was disadvantageous for their cavalry (a commemorative obelisk has been installed on the battlefield) .

In Hlyboky Yar, on the southwestern outskirts of Vyhraiv, the remains of ditches dug by Maksym Kryvonos' Cossacks, preparing for an ambush, have been preserved. The museum of Cossack glory works.

Село Виграїв розташоване в 10 кілометрах на північний захід від Корсуня-Шевченківського.

Поселення відоме в XII сторіччя як Горохова Діброва. Нинішня назва пов'язана з тим, що в цих місцях в 1648 році гетьман Богдан Хмельницький виграв Корсунську битву з польською армією гетьмана Миколая Потоцького, нав'язавши полякам невигідний для їх кавалерії бій на пересіченій місцевості (на полі битви встановлено пам'ятний обеліск).

В Глибокому Яру на південно-західній околиці Виграєва збереглися залишки ровів, які викопали козаки Максима Кривоноса, готуючись до удару із засідки. Працює музей козацької слави.

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What to see and where to go in Vyhraiv

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Tourist attractions and museums of Vyhraiv

Cossack Glory Museum, Vyhraiv
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Cossack Glory Museum

Museum / gallery

The Museum of Cossack Glory in Vyhraiv reveals the history of Cossack victories through the prism of the fate of their descendants.

The main hall is dedicated to the historical battle of Korsun in 1648, which took place in the Hlyboky Yar on the southwestern edge of the current village of Vyhraiv, which was then called Horokhova Dibrova. In this battle, the Cossack army of Hetman Bohdan Khmelnytsky defeated the Polish troops of Hetman Mykolay Potoski, imposing a battle in unfavorable conditions for the Polish cavalry in the wooded rugged terrain. The ambush arranged in Hlyboky Yar by the regiment of Maksym Kryvonos was of decisive importance.

The museum also has halls of ethnography and rural life: chests, towels, dishes, furniture, spinning wheels, a loom, etc.

A separate exhibition is devoted to the Holodomor of 1932-1933.

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