The village of Ryzhavka on the Yatran river is located 30 kilometers south of Uman, next to the M-05 (E-95) highway "Kyiv - Odesa".
It was mentioned for the first time in the 18th century, when Count Seleziy Frantsishek Potocki of Uman ceded Ryzhavka to his lawyer Adam Moschenskyi. In 1846, Moschensky's son sold the village to the landowner Serafym Kosovskyi.
The stone church of the Intercession of the Holy Virgin was built by Kosovskyi in 1851-1854.
On the western outskirts of Ryzhavka, a two-story building of a water mill on the Yatran river (1910) has been preserved, which is still in operation. To the northwest of the village are mounds of the Scythian-Sarmatian era (VII cent ...
The village of Ryzhavka on the Yatran river is located 30 kilometers south of Uman, next to the M-05 (E-95) highway "Kyiv - Odesa".
It was mentioned for the first time in the 18th century, when Count Seleziy Frantsishek Potocki of Uman ceded Ryzhavka to his lawyer Adam Moschenskyi. In 1846, Moschensky's son sold the village to the landowner Serafym Kosovskyi.
The stone church of the Intercession of the Holy Virgin was built by Kosovskyi in 1851-1854.
On the western outskirts of Ryzhavka, a two-story building of a water mill on the Yatran river (1910) has been preserved, which is still in operation. To the northwest of the village are mounds of the Scythian-Sarmatian era (VII century BC - III century AD).
Село Рижавка на річці Ятрань розташоване в 30 клометрах на південь від Умані, поруч з трасою М-05 (Е-95) "Київ - Одеса".
Вперше згадується в XVIII сторіччі, коли уманський граф Селезій Францішек Потоцький поступився Рижавкою своєму адвокатові Адамові Мощенському. В 1846 році син Мощенського продав село поміщику Серафимові Косовському.
Кам'яна церква Покрови Пресвятої Богородиці збудована Косовським в 1851-1854 роках.
На західній околиці Рижавки збереглася двоповерхова будівля водяного млина на річці Ятрань (1910 рік), яка все ще діє. На північний захід від села розташовані кургани скіфо-сарматської доби (VII століття до нашої ери - III століття нашої ери).
Intercession Church
Temple , Architecture
The Church of the Intercession of the Holy Mother of God in Ryzhavka was built in 1851-1854 at the expense of landowner Serafym Kosovsky. The church building, which stands a little away from the current center of the village, has been well preserved.
In its forms, the Orthodox Intercession Church is more like a Catholic church. Next to the church rises a small, but quite elegant white stone bell tower in the style of classicism.
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