The town of Horodyshche on the Vilshanka River is located between Korsun-Shevchenkivskyi and Smila, 60 kilometers west of Cherkasy.
On the site of the current city center are the remains of an ancient Rus settlement, which gave the name to the current city. Horodyshche was first mentioned in documents in the 16th century, when these lands belonged to the nobles of Koniecpolskyi.
In 1649, Horodyshche became the hundredth town of the Cherkasy regiment. Later, it belonged to Princes Lubomyrskyi, Hrihoriy Potemkin, Counts Branytskyi, Mykhaylo Vorontsov, and Kateryna Shuvalova.
In 1844, Prince Mykhaylo Vorontsov built the Saint Michael's Church in the Neo-Gothic style. In 1848, the Yakhnenko brothers and Fedir Simyrenko built a sugar factory.
Horodyshche was visit ...
The town of Horodyshche on the Vilshanka River is located between Korsun-Shevchenkivskyi and Smila, 60 kilometers west of Cherkasy.
On the site of the current city center are the remains of an ancient Rus settlement, which gave the name to the current city. Horodyshche was first mentioned in documents in the 16th century, when these lands belonged to the nobles of Koniecpolskyi.
In 1649, Horodyshche became the hundredth town of the Cherkasy regiment. Later, it belonged to Princes Lubomyrskyi, Hrihoriy Potemkin, Counts Branytskyi, Mykhaylo Vorontsov, and Kateryna Shuvalova.
In 1844, Prince Mykhaylo Vorontsov built the Saint Michael's Church in the Neo-Gothic style. In 1848, the Yakhnenko brothers and Fedir Simyrenko built a sugar factory.
Horodyshche was visited by Taras Shevchenko, Mykola Kostomarov and Mykhaylo Drahomanov, Ukrainian ethnographer Pavlo Chubynskyi lived here.
Місто Городище на річці Вільшанка розташоване між Корсунем-Шевченківським і Смілою, в 60 кілометрах на захід від Черкас.
На місці нинішнього центру міста є залишки давньоруського городища, яке і дало назву нинішньому місту. Вперше в документах Городище згадується в ХVI сторіччі, коли ці землі належали шляхтичам Конєцпольським.
В 1649 році Городище стало сотенним містечком Черкаського полку. Пізніше належало князям Любомирським, Григорію Потьомкіну, графам Браницьким, Михайлові Воронцову, Катерині Шуваловій.
В 1844 році князь Михайло Воронцов побудував Михайлівську церкву в стилі неоготики. В 1848 році брати Яхненки та Федір Симиренко побудували цукровий завод.
В Городищі бували Тарас Шевченко ...
Місто Городище на річці Вільшанка розташоване між Корсунем-Шевченківським і Смілою, в 60 кілометрах на захід від Черкас.
На місці нинішнього центру міста є залишки давньоруського городища, яке і дало назву нинішньому місту. Вперше в документах Городище згадується в ХVI сторіччі, коли ці землі належали шляхтичам Конєцпольським.
В 1649 році Городище стало сотенним містечком Черкаського полку. Пізніше належало князям Любомирським, Григорію Потьомкіну, графам Браницьким, Михайлові Воронцову, Катерині Шуваловій.
В 1844 році князь Михайло Воронцов побудував Михайлівську церкву в стилі неоготики. В 1848 році брати Яхненки та Федір Симиренко побудували цукровий завод.
В Городищі бували Тарас Шевченко, Микола Костомаров і Михайло Драгоманов, тут жив український етнограф Павло Чубинський.
Horodyshche Local Lore Museum
Museum / gallery
The Horodyshche Local History Museum was founded in the city of Horodyshche in 1998.
The museum's exposition illustrates the history and culture of the city, tells about prominent residents of Horodyshche. The total collection of the museum is almost two thousand exhibits. In addition to the main exposition, the museum hosts exhibitions of decorative and applied arts.
Ivan Le Literary and Memorial Museum
Architecture , Museum / gallery
The Horodyshche Literary and Memorial Museum-Estate of the Writer Ivan Le was founded in 1983 with the participation of the writer's wife Irina and son Rikhard, who donated the house and estate to the museum. The house project was developed personally by Ivan Le at one time and he took an active part in the construction work.
The museum's exposition includes more than 7 thousand exhibits, including the writer's manuscripts, various materials for his works, books written by him, personal belongings, documents, photographs, tools, gifts from friends, etc.
Saint Michael's Church
Temple , Architecture
Saint Michael's Church in Horodyshche was built in the Neo-Gothic style in 1844 at the expense of Count Mykhaylo Vorontsov, according to the project of the Italian architect Dzhordzho Torrichelli.
In Soviet times, it was closed, the bell tower was dismantled, and a sports hall was built in the church itself. Paintings of the 19th century were whitewashed.
In the 1990s, the church was restored, the bell tower was rebuilt, and the painting "The Last Judgment" (area 102 square meters) was washed and restored.
The architecture of Staint Michael's Church is very unusual for an Orthodox church. Neo-Gothic architecture is reminiscent of Catholic churches, and the tines on the belfry, orange walls and green roof make the temple look like a fairy-tale castle.
Semen Hulak-Artemovsky Museum
Museum / gallery
The museum of the singer and composer Semen Hulak-Artemovsky in Horodyshche is located in an old one-story house in the center of the city.
Hulak-Artemovskyi was born in Horodyshche in 1813. He is known as one of the founders of Ukrainian classical music, the author of the first Ukrainian opera "Zaporozhets za Dunayem".
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