
Travel guide online Sunky

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General information about Sunky

The picturesque village of Sunky is located 5 kilometers east of Smila.

At the beginning of the 19th century, the village belonged to the hero of the Franco-Russian war of 1812, General Mykola Raevskyi. The wooden Trinity Church, built in 1864 by Sofiya Raevska, the daughter of the famous general, has been preserved. From the Raevskis, the village was inherited by the Orlovs, then by the Yashvils.

Since the end of the 19th century, Princess Nataliya Yashvil (Philipson) owned Sunky, who hosted the artist Mykhaylo Nesterov for more than 15 years.

In the past, the village was famous for pottery and embroidery.

Мальовниче село Сунки розташоване в 5 кілометрах на схід від Сміли.

На початку ХІХ століття село належало герою франко-російської війни 1812 року генералу Миколі Раєвському. Збереглася дерев'яна Троїцька церква, збудована в 1864 році Софією Раєвською, донькою славетного генерала. Від Раєвських село перейшло у спадок Орловим, потім Яшвілям.

З кінці ХІХ століття Сунками володіла княгиня Наталія Яшвіль (Філіпсон), у якої більше 15 років гостював художник Михайло Нестеров.

У минулому село славилося гончарним промислом і вишивкою.

Сплануй своє перебування у Sunky

What to see and where to go in Sunky

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Tourist attractions and museums of Sunky

Trinity Church, Sunky
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Holy Trinity Church

Temple , Architecture

The wooden Holy Trinity Church was built in Sunky in 1864, when the village was owned by Sofiya Rayevska, the daughter of the famous general Mykola Rayevskyi.

In 1937, the church was closed by the Soviet authorities and converted into a collective farm utility room, and the domes were removed at the same time. The church was revived in 1941 during the German occupation, and services in it have not stopped since then.

Princess Hanna Yashvil (Orlova), granddaughter of General Rayevskyi, is buried in the courtyard of the Trinity Church. There is another older tombstone, but the inscriptions on it have faded.

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