The village of Trostianets on the river of the same name near Ichna was founded in the 18th century.
Since 1820, these lands belonged to representatives of the noble Skoropadskyi hetman family.
The "Trostianets" Arboretum is located here, founded in 1834 by the grandfather of the last Ukrainian hetman, Ivan Skoropadskyi (he is buried on the territory). Skoropadsky's wooden palace has not been preserved (two outbuildings remain). The artificially created mountain relief is impressive. Trostianets Park has 1,700 different types of trees and shrubs, 250 decorative flowering plants. It is now a dendrological park under the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
On the wave of tourist interest in the park in Trostianets, green tourism is developing.
Селище Тростянець над однойменної річкою неподалік від Ічні засноване в XVIII сторіччі.
З 1820 року ці землі належали представникам знатного гетьманського роду Скоропадських.
Тут розташований дендропарк "Тростянець", закладений в 1834 році дідом останнього українського гетьмана Іваном Скоропадським (похований на території). Дерев'яний палац Скоропадського не зберігся (залишилися два флігелі). Вражає штучно створений гірський рельєф. Тростянецький парк нараховує 1700 різних видів дерев і чагарників, 250 декоративних квіткових рослин. Зараз - дендрологічний парк у підпорядкуванні НАН України.
На хвилі туристичної цікавості до парку в Тростянці розвивається зелений туризм.
Private Museum of Local Lore "Hunting Palanka"
Museum / gallery
The private local lore museum in Trostianets "Myslyvska Palanka" (Hunting Palanka) was started in his house by the local local historian Rostyslav Malyarenko.
The main exposition is dedicated to the history of the hetman family of Skoropadskyi, whose ancestral estate was Trostianets. In particular, a table, wall mirrors, a saber and other personal belongings of the Skoropadskyi family are presented.
Exhibits of the Scythian era, Chernyakhiv culture, and the period of Kyivan Rus, found on the outskirts of Trostianets, are also presented.
The owner conducts qualified tours of the Trostianets Dendrology Park and other surrounding attractions.
Trostianets Arboretum
Park / garden
Trostianets Arboretum is one of the most beautiful landscape parks of Ukraine.
It was created in the 19th century by a representative of the ancient Hetman family, Ivan Skoropadskyi (grandson of Hetman Ivan Skoropadskyi, grandfather of Hetman Pavlo Skoropadskyi).
The Trostianets Park project was developed by gardener Karl Schlinhlof. Artificial mountains (up to 30 meters high) reminiscent of the Alps were piled on a flat piece of land. The pits formed during the removal of soil for the mountains have been turned into ponds. At first, trees of local species were planted: pine, spruce, birch, oak. Then exotic species were planted in the artificially created landscape: Weymouth pine, Siberian spruce, Siberian cedar, black pine, hemlock, juniper and others. In total - 623 species.
Work continued until Skoropadsky's death in 1887. He is buried in the grounds of the park, the words are carved on the monument: "Any passer-by! The garden in which you walk was planted by me; it served me as a comfort in my life. If you see a disorder that leads to its destruction, then say about this to the master of the garden: you will do a good deed."
Currently, the Trostianets Arboretum is subordinate to the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, and tours are held.
Two outbuildings have been preserved from the complex of manor buildings, which are currently being restored to create a museum and a hotel.
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