
Travel guide online Pryluky

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General information about Pryluky

The historical fortress city of Ancient Rus and the Cossack era is located between Kyiv and Sumy.

The fortified city of Pryluky on the Uday River was first mentioned in 1092 in Volodymyr Monomakh's "Peach" (a monument was erected on the site of the settlement), although it was most likely founded in the 10th century by Prince Volodymyr of Kyiv.

After the Mongol-Tatar invasion, Pryluky was revived as part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. The population took part in the Cossack uprisings and the national liberation war of 1648-1654, part of the Cossack army was stationed in the city. The construction of the wooden Pryluky fortress with powerful earthen ramparts and ditches dates back to this time, the remains of which have been preserved along Hooolya Street and ...

The historical fortress city of Ancient Rus and the Cossack era is located between Kyiv and Sumy.

The fortified city of Pryluky on the Uday River was first mentioned in 1092 in Volodymyr Monomakh's "Peach" (a monument was erected on the site of the settlement), although it was most likely founded in the 10th century by Prince Volodymyr of Kyiv.

After the Mongol-Tatar invasion, Pryluky was revived as part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. The population took part in the Cossack uprisings and the national liberation war of 1648-1654, part of the Cossack army was stationed in the city. The construction of the wooden Pryluky fortress with powerful earthen ramparts and ditches dates back to this time, the remains of which have been preserved along Hooolya Street and near the Central Square.

The pearls of the Ukrainian Baroque that have been preserved belong to the time of the Pryluky Colonels Hnat and Hryhoriy Galagan: the regimental treasury building (Galagan Arsenal) and the Savior Transfiguration Cathedral Cathedral (1710-1720) in Baroque style. Other sights: Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin (1806-1815), Saint Nicolas Church (1720), Ascension Church (1889) and other churches.

Nearby is the ancient Hustynia monastery (XVII century).

A rich history and a large number of architectural monuments make Pryluky a promising tourist center.

In Soviet times, the 184th bomber aviation regiment was based here, the airfield of which is planned to be converted into an international airport.

Pryluky City Day is celebrated on the first Saturday after September 17.

Історичне місто-фортеця Давньої Русі та Козацької доби розташоване між Києвом і Сумами.

Вперше укріплене місто Прилуки на річці Удай згадується в 1092 році в "Повчанні" Володимира Мономаха (на місці городища встановлено пам'ятник), хоча засноване воно було, найімовірніше, в X сторіччі ще київським князем Володимиром.

Після монголо-татарської навали Прилуки відродилися в складі Великого князівства Литовського. Населення брало участь у козацьких повстаннях і національно-визвольній війні 1648-1654 років, в місті розташовувалася частина козацького війська. До цього часу відноситься зведення дерев'яної Прилуцької фортеці з потужними земляними валами та ровами, залишки яких збереглися по вулиці Гоголя та біля Центральної площі.

До часів прилуцьких полковник ...

Історичне місто-фортеця Давньої Русі та Козацької доби розташоване між Києвом і Сумами.

Вперше укріплене місто Прилуки на річці Удай згадується в 1092 році в "Повчанні" Володимира Мономаха (на місці городища встановлено пам'ятник), хоча засноване воно було, найімовірніше, в X сторіччі ще київським князем Володимиром.

Після монголо-татарської навали Прилуки відродилися в складі Великого князівства Литовського. Населення брало участь у козацьких повстаннях і національно-визвольній війні 1648-1654 років, в місті розташовувалася частина козацького війська. До цього часу відноситься зведення дерев'яної Прилуцької фортеці з потужними земляними валами та ровами, залишки яких збереглися по вулиці Гоголя та біля Центральної площі.

До часів прилуцьких полковників Гната та Григорія Ґалаґанів належать перлини українського бароко, що збереглися: будинок полкової скарбниці (Ґалаґанівський арсенал) та Спасо-Преображенський собор (1710-1720 роки) в стилі бароко. Інші пам'ятки: Собор Різдва Богородиці (1806-1815 роки), Миколаївська церква (1720 рік), Стрітенська церква (1889 рік) та інші храми.

Поруч знаходиться старовинний Густинський монастир (XVII століття).

Багата історія й велика кількість архітектурних пам'яток робить Прилуки перспективним туристичним центром.

У радянські час тут базувався 184-й бомбардувальний авіаполк, аеродром якого планують переобладнати під міжнародний аеропорт.

День міста Прилуки відзначається в першу суботу після 17 вересня.

Сплануй своє перебування у Pryluky

What to see and where to go in Pryluky

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Tourist attractions and museums of Pryluky

Brodsky Theater (Culture House), Pryluky
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Brodsky Theater (City Culture House)

Architecture , Theater / show

The Pryluky City Cultural House is one of the most prominent buildings in the city.

As the first professional theater stage, Pryluky began to build it in the late 19th and early 20th centuries by the burgher Brodskyi together with the owner of the brick factory Shtonda, but they did not have enough funds to complete the construction. The central two-story part was completed only in 1930.

Currently, the People's Amateur Theater "Rampa" and several other creative groups perform on the stage of the House of Culture. Theater festivals are held here every year, gathering amateur groups from all over Ukraine.

In 2008, a monument to the famous Ukrainian theater and film actor Mykola Yakovchenko, a native of Pryluky, was erected on the square in front of the Brodsky Theater building.

Map pin icon Yuriya Koptyeva Street, 28


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Three Saints Church, Pryluky
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Three Saints Church

Temple , Architecture

The Church of the Three Saints in Kustivtsy in Pryluky was built in 1878 on the site of an old church founded in the 17th century.

The first temple was built at the expense of the burgher Andriн Kendyukh.

The new five-domed church in Kustivtsy is made in the so-called "parish" style.

Map pin icon Petropavlivska Street, 32


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Museum of Local Lore, Pryluky
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Museum of Local Lore named after Vasyl Maslov

Museum / gallery , Architecture

The Pryluky Museum of Local Lore named after Vasyl Maslov occupies a restored two-story mansion built in the 19th century for the mayor Mykola Kyslovsky in the very center of the city.

Its history begins with the Museum of Natural History, opened at the end of the 19th century. It reached its peak in the 1930s under the leadership of the famous scientist Vasyl Maslov (a monument has been installed at the entrance to the museum). The collection of masterpieces of world art and Cossack relics of the famous public figure and philanthropist Hryhoriy Galagan became the basis of his collection.

Since then, the museum has formed interesting art collections, a large collection of decorative and applied art, and opened a department of Pryluky history. The most interesting exhibits: the saddle of Hetman Danylo Apostol, a model of the Pryluky fortress, a fragment of the fortress palisade.

Employees of the local lore museum conduct tours of the city and its surroundings.

Map pin icon Kyivska Street, 277


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Nativity of Virgin Cathedral, Pryluky
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Nativity of Holy Virgin Cathedral

Temple , Architecture

The Nativity of Holy Virgin Cathedral was built in Pryluky on the site of two ancient Pryluky churches that burned down during a fire in 1781.

Fundraising for the stone temple was announced immediately after the fire, but the construction was completed only after the city received funding from the royal treasury in 1802, as evidenced by a copper plaque with a commemorative inscription.

A new church with three thrones in honor of the Nativity of the Holy Mother of God, Varvara the Great Martyr and Saint Oleksandr Nevsky was consecrated in 1817. It was built by a craftsman from Chernihiv region Fedir Zabolotskyi. Remains of oil painting from the beginning of the 19th century have been preserved inside.

Near the central portal stood a stone two-story bell tower, built in the best forms of late classicism (not preserved). Until recently, the building housed the department of the Chernihiv Regional State Archives.

In 2005, the Nativity of Holy Virgin Cathedral was returned to the parishioners of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine.

Map pin icon Galaganivska Street, 16


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Nicholas the Wonderworker Church, Pryluky
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Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at Sorochyntsi

Temple , Architecture

The brick one-story church of Nicholas the Wonderworker is located on the outskirts of Pryluky - Sorochyntsi district.

The temple was built in the middle of the 19th century in the style of Ukrainian Art Nouveau.

Map pin icon Shkilna Street, 1


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