The urban-type village of Ladan on the Udai River is located 15 kilometers southeast of Pryluky.
It was first mentioned in 1603, when the Intercession Pidhornyi Ladan monastery was founded here. In Soviet times, the fire-fighting equipment factory "Pozhmashina" was opened on the territory of the monastery.
Селище міського типу Ладан на річці Удай розташоване в 15 кілометрах на південний схід від Прилук.
Вперше згадується в 1603 році, коли тут було засновано Покровський Підгорний Ладанський монастир. В радянські часи на території монастиря було відкрито завод протипожежного обладнання "Пожмашина".
Ladansky Intercession Monastery
Architecture , Temple
The Ladansky Intercession Monastery near Pryluky was founded in 1600 by the Kyiv monk Yevfimiy at the same time as the Hustynia Monastery. At first it was called Pidhirskyi.
Princess Rayina Vyshnevetska (Mohylyanka) helped in the construction of the monastery. After the fire of 1753, the monastery was quickly revived. The first stone building in 1763 was the Church of the Holy Mother of God. In the second half of the 19th century, the Intercession Cathedral and Ascension (Saint Nicholas) Church were built.
In Soviet times, a labor commune for homeless children was located on the territory of the Ladansky monastery, then a factory of fire-fighting equipment. Currently, the Holy Intercession Cathedral near the plant is being restored.
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