Talalaivka is a village in the east of Chernihiv region, next to highway N-07 "Kyiv - Sumy".
It was founded in 1877 as a station settlement during the construction of the railway. It is named after the nearby village of Talalaivka, which was later renamed to Silchenkove.
Talalaivka Park (1972) is a monument of garden and park art (more than 100 types of trees and shrubs).
Талалаївка - селище на сході Чернігівської області, поряд з трасою Н-07 "Київ - Суми".
Засноване в 1877 році як пристанційне поселення при будівництві залізниці. Назване за іменем розташованого неподалік села Талалаївка, яке в свою чергу свого часу перейменували на Сильченкове.
Талалаївський парк (1972 рік) є пам'яткою садово-паркового мистецтва (понад 100 видів дерев і чагарників).
Talalaivka Local Lore Museum
Museum / gallery
The Talalaivka Museum of Local Lore was opened in 2013 in the premises of the former House of Culture of the village of Talalaivka.
The exposition is located in several halls with a total area of 60 square meters. The museum's collections include unique antique everyday items, tools, ceramic and pottery products of the 19th-21st centuries, banknotes, collections of embroidered towels, shirts, woven carpets of the 20th-21st centuries, and over 300 women's scarves.
A separate part of the exposition is dedicated to honoring the memory of the Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred and the Russian-Ukrainian War.
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