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Ivan Honchar Museum National Centre of Folk Culture

Ivan Honchar Museum National Centre of Folk Culture, Kyiv


Museum / gallery

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General information about Ivan Honchar Museum National Centre of Folk Culture (Kyiv)

The National Center of Folk Culture "Ivan Honchar Museum" was created in 1993 on the initiative of the People's Artist of Ukraine Ivan Honchar, co-founder of the Ukrainian Society for the Preservation of Historical and Cultural Monuments, and one of the largest open-air museums in the world - the Museum of Folk Architecture and Life of Ukraine.

The museum is housed in an ancient building - an architectural monument of the 18th century. The exposition is based on the private collection of Ivan Honchar, who in Soviet times searched for and collected highly artistic works of Ukrainian folk art, as well as the works of professional painters who could not enter state museums for ideological reasons.

A large collection of icons of the 16th-18th centuries, fabrics, ce ...

The National Center of Folk Culture "Ivan Honchar Museum" was created in 1993 on the initiative of the People's Artist of Ukraine Ivan Honchar, co-founder of the Ukrainian Society for the Preservation of Historical and Cultural Monuments, and one of the largest open-air museums in the world - the Museum of Folk Architecture and Life of Ukraine.

The museum is housed in an ancient building - an architectural monument of the 18th century. The exposition is based on the private collection of Ivan Honchar, who in Soviet times searched for and collected highly artistic works of Ukrainian folk art, as well as the works of professional painters who could not enter state museums for ideological reasons.

A large collection of icons of the 16th-18th centuries, fabrics, ceramics, and musical instruments is presented.

Національний центр народної культури "Музей Івана Гончара" створено в 1993 році з ініціативи народного художника України Івана Гончара, співзасновника Українського Товариства охорони пам'яток історії та культури, та одного з найбільших у світі скансенів - Музею народної архітектури та побуту України.

Музей розміщений у старовинній будівлі - пам'ятці архітектури XVIII століття. Експозиція заснована на приватній колекції Івана Гончара, який за радянських часів розшукував та збирав високохудожні твори українського народного мистецтва, а також роботи професійних живописців, які через ідеологічні причини не могли потрапити до державних музеїв.

Представлено велику колекцію ікон XVI-XVIII століть, тканин, кераміки, музичних інструментів.

Practical information about Ivan Honchar Museum National Centre of Folk Culture (Kyiv)

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Categories Architecture, Museum / gallery
Date of foundation 1993 year
Hours of work 10:00-18:00, days off - Monday, Tuesday
Address Lavrska Street, 19


Coordinates 50.432° N, 30.558° E Copy icon Coordinates copied
Phone +380 44 288 9268, +380 44 280 5210,
Email ,,,
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Additional services
Cost adults - UAH 100, schoolchildren, students and pensioners - UAH 75; excursion - UAH 150
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