Starozaslavsky Castle, Iziaslav

Castle / fortress

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General information about Starozaslavsky Castle (Iziaslav)

The stone tower-quarry and earth ramparts of the Starozaslavsky (Staromisky) castle are located on a hill in the old part of Iziaslav, on the left bank of the Horyn river.

It is possible that the construction was started by Prince Vasyl Ostrozky back in the 15th century, although the "official" biography of the Starozaslavsky castle dates back to 1539. At that time, the city was owned by Prince Yuriy's son, from whom the princely family of Zaslavsky descended.

A common version is that the fortified building with a complex system of cellars, which has survived, was the princely treasury.

The second floor was built in the 18th century under the Sangushko princes.

Later, the premises were used as a warehouse, and during the Soviet era it began to colla ...

The stone tower-quarry and earth ramparts of the Starozaslavsky (Staromisky) castle are located on a hill in the old part of Iziaslav, on the left bank of the Horyn river.

It is possible that the construction was started by Prince Vasyl Ostrozky back in the 15th century, although the "official" biography of the Starozaslavsky castle dates back to 1539. At that time, the city was owned by Prince Yuriy's son, from whom the princely family of Zaslavsky descended.

A common version is that the fortified building with a complex system of cellars, which has survived, was the princely treasury.

The second floor was built in the 18th century under the Sangushko princes.

Later, the premises were used as a warehouse, and during the Soviet era it began to collapse. Now the ruins are in a neglected state, access is free.

Кам'яна вежа-кам'яниця та земляні вали Старозаславського (Староміського) замку розташовані на пагорбі у старій частині Ізяслава, на лівому березі річки Горинь.

Можливо, будівництво розпочав князь Василь Острозький ще в XV сторіччі хоча "офіційну" біографію Старозаславський замок веде з 1539 року. В цей час містом володів син князя Юрій, від якого пішов княжий рід Заславських.

Поширена версія, що фортифікована будівля зі складною системою підвалів, що збереглася, була князівською скарбницею.

Другий поверх був надбудований у XVIII столітті за князів Сангушків.

Пізніше приміщення використовували як склад, а за радянських часів воно почало руйнуватися. Зараз руїни у занедбаному стані, доступ вільний.

Practical information about Starozaslavsky Castle (Iziaslav)

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Categories Castle / fortress
Date of foundation 1539 year
Address Zaslavska Street


Coordinates 50.121651° N, 26.810718° E Copy icon Coordinates copied
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