Holy Intercession Church, Kropyvnytskyi



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General information about Holy Intercession Church (Kropyvnytskyi)

The blue church with green domes in honor of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary is located in Kropyvnytskyi to the west of the headquarters complex of the military town.

It was built on the site of a wooden church in 1787. The money for the construction of the stone building was allocated in 1824 by the merchant Petro Shchedrin. The project was developed by the architect Kostyantyn Ton, the construction was supervised by the city architect Andreev. The temple is made in the neo-Rus style of cult architecture. Details of 17th century architecture are also used.

In the interior of the Intercession Church, the remains of a painting from the second half of the 19th century (Fedir Kozachinsky) have been preserved.

In 1932, the church was closed, although it resumed ...

The blue church with green domes in honor of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary is located in Kropyvnytskyi to the west of the headquarters complex of the military town.

It was built on the site of a wooden church in 1787. The money for the construction of the stone building was allocated in 1824 by the merchant Petro Shchedrin. The project was developed by the architect Kostyantyn Ton, the construction was supervised by the city architect Andreev. The temple is made in the neo-Rus style of cult architecture. Details of 17th century architecture are also used.

In the interior of the Intercession Church, the remains of a painting from the second half of the 19th century (Fedir Kozachinsky) have been preserved.

In 1932, the church was closed, although it resumed work for a short time during the Second World War. Returned to believers in 1988.

Блакитний храм із зеленими куполами на честь Покрови Пресвятої Богородиці розташований в Кропивницькому на захід від ансамблю штабу військового містечка.

Побудований на місці дерев'яної церкви 1787 року. Кошти на будівництво кам'яної будівлі виділив у 1824 році купець Петро Щедрін. Проєкт розробив архітектор Костянтин Тон, будівництвом керував міський архітектор Андрєєв. Храм виконано у неоруському стилі культового зодчества. Також використано деталі архітектури XVII століття.

В інтер'єрі Покровської церкви збереглися залишки розпису другої половини ХІХ століття (Федір Козачинський).

У 1932 році церква була закрита, хоч і відновлювала роботу ненадовго під час Другої світової війни. Повернена віруючим в 1988 році.

Practical information about Holy Intercession Church (Kropyvnytskyi)

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Categories Temple, Architecture
Date of foundation 1850-1875 years
Address Yuriya Olefirenka Street, 14


Coordinates 48.51722778° N, 32.25629444° E Copy icon Coordinates copied
Phone +380 522 227 816,
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