The ruins of a poorly preserved castle built in the 17th century on a mountain surrounded by the Drapaka stream. The name of the founder is unknown.
The castle in Vysichka was quadrangular, with four corner towers. In 1672, it was captured by the Turks, and in 1675, the Polish king Yan Sobeskyi stayed in the castle with his army.
In 1820, the owner of Vysichka, Mariya Holiyovska-Charkovska, built a palace in the Neo-Gothic style on the territory of the dilapidated castle. In 1900, Kyrylo Charkovskyi ordered the castle walls and the entrance tower to be dismantled, as well as the moats to be filled in.
The palace was completely destroyed during the Soviet rule. In fact, only one castle tower has survived. Another is in ruins, and only the foundation remains of the ...
The ruins of a poorly preserved castle built in the 17th century on a mountain surrounded by the Drapaka stream. The name of the founder is unknown.
The castle in Vysichka was quadrangular, with four corner towers. In 1672, it was captured by the Turks, and in 1675, the Polish king Yan Sobeskyi stayed in the castle with his army.
In 1820, the owner of Vysichka, Mariya Holiyovska-Charkovska, built a palace in the Neo-Gothic style on the territory of the dilapidated castle. In 1900, Kyrylo Charkovskyi ordered the castle walls and the entrance tower to be dismantled, as well as the moats to be filled in.
The palace was completely destroyed during the Soviet rule. In fact, only one castle tower has survived. Another is in ruins, and only the foundation remains of the third. One of the utility rooms and some basement rooms have also been preserved.
Руїни замку, що погано збереглися, зведеного в XVII столітті на горі, оточеній струмком Драпака. Ім'я засновника невідоме.
Замок у Висічці був чотирикутним, з чотирма кутовими вежами. У 1672 році його захопили турки, а в 1675 році в замку перебував із військом польський король Ян Собеський.
У 1820 році власниця Висічки Марія Голійовська-Чарковська збудувала на території напівзруйнованого замку палац у стилі неоготики. У 1900 році Кирило Чарковський наказав розібрати замкові мури та в'їзну вежу, а також засипати рови.
Палац був повністю знищений за радянської влади. Фактично збереглася лише одна замкова вежа. Ще одна в руїнах, а від третьої залишився лише фундамент. Також збереглося одне із господарських приміщень, деякі підвальні приміщення.
Last update
Categories | Castle / fortress |
Date of foundation | XVII century |
Address |
Vysichka |
Coordinates |
48.78721° N, 25.987° E
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