Poshtova Square, Kyiv

Historic area

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General information about Poshtova Square (Kyiv)

Poshtova Square in Kyiv is a connecting link between the Upper Town, Pechersk, and Podil. This is where the piers of ancient Kyiv were located, which were later replaced by the River Station.

The square owes its name to the Post Office (1850-1860s), from which the main building has survived. The decoration of Poshtova Square is the Church of the Nativity of Christ (1809-1814), restored in the years of independence. Across the street from it is the lower station of the Funicular (1905), which connects Podil with the Upper Town.

In recent years, the appearance of Poshtova ...

Poshtova Square in Kyiv is a connecting link between the Upper Town, Pechersk, and Podil. This is where the piers of ancient Kyiv were located, which were later replaced by the River Station.

The square owes its name to the Post Office (1850-1860s), from which the main building has survived. The decoration of Poshtova Square is the Church of the Nativity of Christ (1809-1814), restored in the years of independence. Across the street from it is the lower station of the Funicular (1905), which connects Podil with the Upper Town.

In recent years, the appearance of Poshtova Square has changed significantly due to high-rise buildings.

Поштова площа в Києві - сполучна ланка між Верхнім містом, Печерськом та Подолом. На цьому місці розташовувалися причали стародавнього Києва, місце яких згодом зайняв Річковий вокзал.

Назвою площа завдячує Поштовій станції (1850-1860 роки), від якої збереглася головна будівля. Окрасою Поштової площі є Церква Різдва Христового (1809-1814 роки), відновлена в роки незалежності. Через дорогу від неї розташована нижня станція Фунікулера (1905 рік), що пов'язує Поділ з Верхнім містом.

В останні роки вигляд Поштової площі сильно змінився внаслідок висотної забудови.

Practical information about Poshtova Square (Kyiv)

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Categories Historic area
Address Poshtova Square


Coordinates 50.4593° N, 30.5255° E Copy icon Coordinates copied
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