The Arian tower in Tykhomel is a unique landmark of sacred architecture, the only similar structure in Ukraine.
The chapel was built by a local landowner, Pavlo Kshyshtof Senyuta, who was a follower of the Arians' Christian teachings, which were considered heretical. In the 16th and 17th centuries, Arianism was widespread in Eastern Europe, and, in particular, in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Arians denied the triune essence of God, that is, the Holy Trinity, affirming the superiority of God the Father over God the Son, who was created by him - Jesus Christ.
The frescoed chapel is built on a mound above the grave of Pavlo Kshyshtof Senyuta, on the site of the ancient Rus settlement of Tykhomel. Later, the chapel served as a tower of the fortress built here. Preserv ...
The Arian tower in Tykhomel is a unique landmark of sacred architecture, the only similar structure in Ukraine.
The chapel was built by a local landowner, Pavlo Kshyshtof Senyuta, who was a follower of the Arians' Christian teachings, which were considered heretical. In the 16th and 17th centuries, Arianism was widespread in Eastern Europe, and, in particular, in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Arians denied the triune essence of God, that is, the Holy Trinity, affirming the superiority of God the Father over God the Son, who was created by him - Jesus Christ.
The frescoed chapel is built on a mound above the grave of Pavlo Kshyshtof Senyuta, on the site of the ancient Rus settlement of Tykhomel. Later, the chapel served as a tower of the fortress built here. Preserved in ruins.
Аріанська вежа в Тихомелі - унікальна пам'ятка сакральної архітектури, єдина подібна споруда в Україні.
Каплицю збудував місцевий землевласник Павло Кшиштоф Сенюта, який був послідовником християнського вчення аріан, яке вважалося єретичним. У XVI-XVII століттях аріанство було широко поширене у Східній Європі, і, зокрема, у Речі Посполитій. Аріани заперечували триєдину сутність Бога, тобто Святу Трійцю, стверджуючи перевагу Бога-Отця над створеним ним Богом-Сином – Ісусом Христом.
Розписана фресками каплиця зведена на кургані над могилою Павла Кшиштофа Сенюти, на місці давньоруського городища Тихомель. Пізніше каплиця служила вежею спорудженої тут фортеці. Збереглася у руїнах.
Last update
Categories | Architecture |
Date of foundation | 16th century |
Address |
Tykhomel |
Coordinates |
49.96111111° N, 26.2575° E
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