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Attractions Hamarnia
Hamarnya Manor (Historical and Local Lore Museum of Myklukho-Maklay)
The manor of the family of the famous traveler and ethnographer Mykola Myklukho-Maklay is located in the Hamarnya tract on the western outskirts of Malyn.
Myklukho-Maklay's mother bought the Hamarnya manor at the beginning of the 19th century from the Shcherbakov princes, the scientist himself visited it several times.
Since 1931, the Malyn Forestry Technical College has been located near the estate. Of particular value is the park, which has many rare trees 500-600 years old. A house with Neo-Gothic elements, built by Myklukho-Maklay, has been preserved - now it is part of one of the college buildings.
In 1986, a small museum exposition dedicated to the scientific activity of the researcher was opened in it. In 2015, the Myklukho-Maklay Museum was opened. A bust o ...
The manor of the family of the famous traveler and ethnographer Mykola Myklukho-Maklay is located in the Hamarnya tract on the western outskirts of Malyn.
Myklukho-Maklay's mother bought the Hamarnya manor at the beginning of the 19th century from the Shcherbakov princes, the scientist himself visited it several times.
Since 1931, the Malyn Forestry Technical College has been located near the estate. Of particular value is the park, which has many rare trees 500-600 years old. A house with Neo-Gothic elements, built by Myklukho-Maklay, has been preserved - now it is part of one of the college buildings.
In 1986, a small museum exposition dedicated to the scientific activity of the researcher was opened in it. In 2015, the Myklukho-Maklay Museum was opened. A bust of the scientist and a commemorative plaque were installed.
Садиба родини знаменитого мандрівника та етнографа Миколи Миклухо-Маклая знаходиться в урочищі Гамарня на західній околиці Малина.
Мати Миклухо-Маклая купила маєток Гамарня на початку ХІХ століття в князів Щербакових, сам вчений бував тут кілька разів.
З 1931 року біля садиби розміщується Малинський лісотехнічний технікум (зараз - коледж). Особливу цінність представляє парк, в якому багато рідкісних дерев віком 500-600 років. Зберігся будинок з елементами неоготики, збудований Миклухами – зараз це частина одного з корпусів коледжу.
В 1986 році в ньому було відкрито невелику музейну експозицію, присвячену науковій діяльності дослідника. В 2015 році відкрито музей Миклухо-Маклая. Встановлено погруддя вченого та пам'ятна дошка.
Last update
Categories | Palace / manor, Architecture, Museum / gallery |
Date of foundation | 1986 |
Hours of work | by prior arrangement |
Address |
Myklukho-Maklaya Street, 1
Hamarnia |
Coordinates |
50.7782° N, 29.1756° E
Phone | +380 4133 97 223, +380 4133 97 295, +380 98 054 0144, | | |
Official site | |
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