Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church, Novoselytsia

Museum / gallery


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General information about Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church (Novoselytsia)

The wooden church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Novoselytsia is a miniature masterpiece of Gothic architecture in Transcarpathia.

The church was built in 1669, as evidenced by the inscription on the nave (according to other sources, the church was built in 1654-1656).

The temple is distinguished by a high tower with a sharp spire.

The interior contains wall paintings of the 17th century, which are considered a masterpiece of the Halician art school. At the beginning of the 19th century, a new Rococo iconostasis was installed on the eastern wall.

Nearby is a two-story wooden bell tower. In 1979-1981, specialists from Lviv restored the temple. Today, the Church of the Assumption in Novoselytsia is a museum of folk architecture and painting, which ...

The wooden church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Novoselytsia is a miniature masterpiece of Gothic architecture in Transcarpathia.

The church was built in 1669, as evidenced by the inscription on the nave (according to other sources, the church was built in 1654-1656).

The temple is distinguished by a high tower with a sharp spire.

The interior contains wall paintings of the 17th century, which are considered a masterpiece of the Halician art school. At the beginning of the 19th century, a new Rococo iconostasis was installed on the eastern wall.

Nearby is a two-story wooden bell tower. In 1979-1981, specialists from Lviv restored the temple. Today, the Church of the Assumption in Novoselytsia is a museum of folk architecture and painting, which is part of the Novoselytsia museum complex.

Дерев'яна церква Успіння Пресвятої Богородиці в Новоселиці - мініатюрний шедевр готичної архітектури Закарпаття.

Церква збудована в 1669 році, про що свідчить напис на бабинці (за іншими даними храм збудований у 1654-1656 роках).

Храм виділяється високою вежею із гострим шпилем.

В інтер'єрі збереглися настінні розписи XVII століття, які вважаються шедевром галицької художньої школи. На початку ХIХ століття на східній стіні встановлено новий іконостас у стилі рококо.

Поруч знаходиться двоярусна дерев'яна дзвіниця.

В 1979-1981 роках львівські спеціалісти відреставрували храм.

Нині Успенська церква в Новоселиці є музеєм народної архітектури та живопису, що входить до складу Новоселицького музейного комплексу.

Practical information about Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church (Novoselytsia)

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Categories Museum / gallery, Temple
Date of foundation 1669
Address Tarasa Shevchenko Street, 73


Coordinates 48.13118° N, 23.22492° E Copy icon Coordinates copied
Phone +380 3143 31 950, +380 98 353 2110, +380 97 641 4745,
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