Saint Michael Vydubytsky Monastery, Kyiv



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General information about Saint Michael Vydubytsky Monastery (Kyiv)

Saint Michael Vydubytsky Monastery is one of the first Kyiv monasteries, founded by Prince Vsevolod Yaroslavych in the Vydubychy tract.

A wonderful view of the domes of the monastery against the background of the Dnipro River opens from the Central Botanical Garden.

According to legend, a wooden idol of the supreme pagan god Perun, thrown by Prince Volodymyr into the Dnipro from the temple on Starokyivska hill, floated ("dug out") to the shore at this place. And immediately he was drowned by supporters of Christianity.

Initially, the main church was the temple of the patron saint of Kyiv, the Archangel Michael. In the 18th century, a new Saint George's Cathedral was built, as well as a r ...

Saint Michael Vydubytsky Monastery is one of the first Kyiv monasteries, founded by Prince Vsevolod Yaroslavych in the Vydubychy tract.

A wonderful view of the domes of the monastery against the background of the Dnipro River opens from the Central Botanical Garden.

According to legend, a wooden idol of the supreme pagan god Perun, thrown by Prince Volodymyr into the Dnipro from the temple on Starokyivska hill, floated ("dug out") to the shore at this place. And immediately he was drowned by supporters of Christianity.

Initially, the main church was the temple of the patron saint of Kyiv, the Archangel Michael. In the 18th century, a new Saint George's Cathedral was built, as well as a refectory and a bell tower.

Свято-Михайлівський Видубицький монастир - один із перших київських монастирів, заснований князем Всеволодом Ярославичем в урочищі Видубичі.

За легендою, на цьому місці виплив ("видибав") на берег дерев'яний ідол верховного язичницького бога Перуна, скинутого князем Володимиром у Дніпро з капища на Старокиївській гірці. І тут же був утоплений прихильниками християнства.

Спочатку головною церквою Видубицького монастиря був храм покровителя Києва архістратига Михаїла. В XVIII сторіччі був побудований новий Георгіївський собор, а також трапезна та дзвіниця.

Чудовий вид на куполи Видубицького монастиря на тлі Дніпра відкривається із Центрального ботанічного саду.

Practical information about Saint Michael Vydubytsky Monastery (Kyiv)

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Categories Temple, Architecture
Date of foundation 1070
Address Vydubytska Street, 40


Coordinates 50.4167° N, 30.5677° E Copy icon Coordinates copied
Phone +380 44 285 3581, +380 96 312 1114,
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Official site https://monastyrinfo.wixsite.c... External link icon
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