Saviour's Hermitage, Pershotravneve



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Information on this page is translated from Ukrainian language automatically by machine translation and may not always accurately express the original. We nevertheless hope it will be of use to you and make it easier for you to plan your trip.

General information about Saviour's Hermitage (Pershotravneve)

The Chapel of the Immaculate Savior was built on the spot where, in 1888, a train carrying Russian Emperor Oleksandr III and his family derailed near the Borky station.

Many people died in the disaster, but the emperor, who was in the carriage, was miraculously unharmed, as well as members of his family. The Saviour's hermitage was founded in memory of this event.

According to the project of academician of architecture Marfeld, the Cathedral of Christ the Savior and the Chapel of the Savior Not Made by Hands were built. A hospital and a home for elderly railway workers, a school, and a library operated at the hermitage.

During the Second World War, the temple was blown up, and the chapel was badly damaged. Only in 2003 was the restoration of the chapel carried out, ...

The Chapel of the Immaculate Savior was built on the spot where, in 1888, a train carrying Russian Emperor Oleksandr III and his family derailed near the Borky station.

Many people died in the disaster, but the emperor, who was in the carriage, was miraculously unharmed, as well as members of his family. The Saviour's hermitage was founded in memory of this event.

According to the project of academician of architecture Marfeld, the Cathedral of Christ the Savior and the Chapel of the Savior Not Made by Hands were built. A hospital and a home for elderly railway workers, a school, and a library operated at the hermitage.

During the Second World War, the temple was blown up, and the chapel was badly damaged. Only in 2003 was the restoration of the chapel carried out, and the stations returned their historical name.

Каплиця Нерукотворного Спаса споруджена на місці, де в 1888 році поблизу станції Борки зійшов із рейок потяг, у якому їхав російський імператор Олександр III із родиною.

Безліч людей загинуло в катастрофі, проте імператор, який перебував у вагоні, дивом не постраждав, як і члени його сім'ї. На згадку про цю подію було засновано Спасів скит.

За проєктом академіка архітектури Марфельда було споруджено храм Христа Спасителя та каплицю Нерукотворного Спаса. При скиті діяла лікарня та будинок для літніх залізничників, школа, бібліотека.

Під час Другої світової війни храм було підірвано, а каплицю сильно пошкодженю. Лише в 2003 році було проведено реставрацію каплиці, а станції повернули історичну назву.

Practical information about Saviour's Hermitage (Pershotravneve)

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Categories Temple, Architecture
Date of foundation 1888


Coordinates 49.6875° N, 36.12777778° E Copy icon Coordinates copied
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