Holy Introduction Monastery, Kyiv



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General information about Holy Introduction Monastery (Kyiv)

The building, outwardly similar to a civilian one, was handed over to the women's community on Pechersk in 1876 by the captain's widow, Matrona Yehorova. In the main building of this community, the Introduction Church was built. Matron Yehorova became its abbess and took the tonsure. She was buried right there, in the Introduction Church.

In 1901, the community was transformed into a female dormitory and a church-parochial school for girls was opened. During the Soviet rule, the monastery was closed, the bell tower was destroyed, the district hospital and warehouses were located in the premises. In 1996, the Introduction Men's Monastery was established.

The main shrine is the miraculous icon of the Mother of God "Ghosts of Humility" - a list from the Ps ...

The building, outwardly similar to a civilian one, was handed over to the women's community on Pechersk in 1876 by the captain's widow, Matrona Yehorova. In the main building of this community, the Introduction Church was built. Matron Yehorova became its abbess and took the tonsure. She was buried right there, in the Introduction Church.

In 1901, the community was transformed into a female dormitory and a church-parochial school for girls was opened. During the Soviet rule, the monastery was closed, the bell tower was destroyed, the district hospital and warehouses were located in the premises. In 1996, the Introduction Men's Monastery was established.

The main shrine is the miraculous icon of the Mother of God "Ghosts of Humility" - a list from the Pskov icon of the same name in 1420 (celebrations September 16-29).

Будівля, зовні схожа на цивільну, в 1876 році була передана жіночій громаді на Печерську капітанською вдовою Матроною Єгоровою. В головній будівлі цієї громади облаштували Введенську церкву. Матрона Єгорова стала її настоятелькою та прийняла постриг. Була похована тут же, у Введенській церкві.

В 1901 році громаду було перетворено на гуртожильний жіночий монастир та відкрито церковно-парафіяльну школу для дівчаток. За радянської влади монастир закрили, дзвіницю зруйнували, у приміщеннях розмістилася районна лікарня та склади. В 1996 році створено Введенський чоловічий монастир.

Головною святинею є чудотворна ікона Божої Матері "Призри на смиренність" - список з однойменної псковської ікони 1420 року (святкування 16-29 вересня).

Practical information about Holy Introduction Monastery (Kyiv)

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Categories Temple, Architecture
Date of foundation 1876 year
Address Knyaziv Ostrozkykh Street, 42


Coordinates 50.4335° N, 30.5446° E Copy icon Coordinates copied
Phone +380 44 254 2010,
Official site https://vvedenskiy.kiev.ua/ External link icon / https://mitropolia.kiev.ua/vve... External link icon
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